Congratulations to Rachael Holloway and Benni (Ch Armahani Heliodorr Hulivili (AI) ET) going Runner up Best in Group at the Working Dog Club in Hobart yesterday under NSW judge C Yate!
Congratulations to our Kunzite kids for a great weekend of lure coursing at the Am Staff Club of Victoria's trials! Yesterday Piper (Ch Armahani Kunzite Kruunu (AI) JC) and Simone Dillon earned her second CA pass with a score of 169. And then today brother Leevi (Armahani Kunzite Kuutamo (AI) RA JD ET HT) with Nicole Wain had his first go, earning his first JC pass with a score of 165. Congratulations also to Megan Ruff, with Aslak (Ch Aslak av Vintervidda (Imp Nor)), the sire of the Lapis Lazuli pups, gaining his JC title today. We had some great achievements over the weekend in both the show and agility rings. In Tasmania, Benni (Ch Armahani Heliodorr Hulivili (AI) ET) was awarded Runner Up Best in Group at the Combined Breeds Dog Club of Tasmania Championship Show. In Canberra, Squiggle (Ch Neut Ch Armahani Diamond Dansut (AI) CCD RA ADX JDX SDX SPDX* GD HT ET JC WPD FMX) earned both her Strategic Pairs Dog Excellent, and Snooker Dog Excellent titles at the ACT Companion Dog Club Agility Trial And in Melbourne, Leevi (Armahani Kunzite Kuutamo (AI) RA JD HT ET) earned another Jumping Dog Excellent quallie. A great day for mother and daughter team Squiggle (Ch Neut Ch Armahani Diamond Dansut (AI) CCD RA ADX JDX SD SPD GD HT ET JC WPD FMX) and Slinky (Ch Armahani Iolite Ihana (AI) HT ET JC WPD) - pictured here in their back on track coats, no they aren't playing vampire dress ups - at the Goulburn agility trial. Squiggle gained an Agility Dog Masters quallie with a 3rd place, as well as a Strategic Pairs Excellent quallie. While Slinky, back trialling after a bit of a break, earned a Strategic Pairs quallie. Such clever girls. |
June 2022
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