27 November 2011
Emmi earns her Jumping Dog title

We had a very fun and tiring weekend for the Portland Dog Obedience Club's obedience and agility trials. This was our first agility weekend away, spent with friends from our local obedience club, and what a great time we had! Largely it was a testing time for us, to see how both Emmi and Louis would cope with a full weekend of agility, and also narrow down the things we need to work on over summer.
But despite that, there was still a little bit of shining with Emmi earning her third Novice Jumping qualification, with a second fastest time in ring, under judge Mr M Tyler, and hence her Jumping Dog (JD) title.
That largely finishes off Emmi's year, having earned titles in three different disciplines (obedience, herding and agility) this year. What a star this beautiful girl is!
Our conclusion is that for Emmi, a full weekend was quite tiring, whereas Louis could have easily kept going! And we do have a few things to work on, some of which I knew about (ie weaves), and some of which were great new learnings (ie don't let someone give Louis his post-run treat up-wind of Emmi as she is commencing her own run!!)
But despite that, there was still a little bit of shining with Emmi earning her third Novice Jumping qualification, with a second fastest time in ring, under judge Mr M Tyler, and hence her Jumping Dog (JD) title.
That largely finishes off Emmi's year, having earned titles in three different disciplines (obedience, herding and agility) this year. What a star this beautiful girl is!
Our conclusion is that for Emmi, a full weekend was quite tiring, whereas Louis could have easily kept going! And we do have a few things to work on, some of which I knew about (ie weaves), and some of which were great new learnings (ie don't let someone give Louis his post-run treat up-wind of Emmi as she is commencing her own run!!)
6 November 2011
Another great show weekend for Louis

The great success continued for Louis (Ch C'est Louis Armstrong des Chevaloupsgreg CD HT PT (Imp USA))! After our big weekend last week, we headed in another direction this time, to Millicent in South Australia. Other than a Royal a few years ago, I've never shown in South Australia, so it was lovely to spend some time there, and particular fun enoying the company of fellow Lappie enthusiasts Cait and Scott.
It was a three show weekend, and Louis was in fine form, earning RUNNER UP TO BEST EXHIBIT IN GROUP at the Saturday afternoon show under Mr P Martin of South Australia. This was a particularly nice win given during breed judging Mr Martin commented that his decision between Louis and Emmi (Ch Lumiturpa Emmi CCD HT (Imp Fnl)) for Best of Breed was one of the hardest decisions he'd had all day.
Then on Sunday, under Mrs D Smith of Queensland, Louis did one better, going BEST EXHIBIT IN GROUP and Best Open in Group.
We will be having a well deserved break for the next couple of weeks!
It was a three show weekend, and Louis was in fine form, earning RUNNER UP TO BEST EXHIBIT IN GROUP at the Saturday afternoon show under Mr P Martin of South Australia. This was a particularly nice win given during breed judging Mr Martin commented that his decision between Louis and Emmi (Ch Lumiturpa Emmi CCD HT (Imp Fnl)) for Best of Breed was one of the hardest decisions he'd had all day.
Then on Sunday, under Mrs D Smith of Queensland, Louis did one better, going BEST EXHIBIT IN GROUP and Best Open in Group.
We will be having a well deserved break for the next couple of weeks!
1 November 2011
A fabulous show weekend for Louis

We have had an absolute whirlwind of a weekend, and one which has certainly put Louis back into his wonderful run of this year. Very early Saturday morning, we headed up to Albury for another fun couple of days of showing, and also an obedience trial on the side for Emmi.
While the obedience certainly wasn't our most successful venture to date, in the show ring, Louis (Ch C'est Louis Armstrong des Chevaloupsgreg CD HT PT (Imp USA)) simply shone! On Saturday he was awarded BEST EXHIBIT IN GROUP and Best Open in Group at the Albury Show Society, under Queensland judge Mrs C Speed. And then to top things off, we had the sheer thrill of going RUNNER UP TO BEST IN SHOW and Best Open in Show under Victorian judge Prof B Corbitt. On Sunday, at the Albury and Border Kennel Club, he continued his winning ways, being awarded RUNNER UP TO BEST IN GROUP , again under Prof Corbitt.
We took the drive back home on Sunday night in order to be in Melbourne for the next two days of showing at our traditional Cup Weekend shows. Monday was a miserable, muddy and rainy day at the Victorian Women's Dog Club where Louis was Best of Breed. Tuesday was a little more pleasant at the Sunbury Dog Club, our second biggest show of the year after the Melbourne Royal. There Louis was again Best of Breed, with Emmi (Ch Lumiturpa Emmi CCD HT (Imp Fnl)) being awarded Runner Up, and this time was shortlisted for Best in Group under our judge from the Netherlands, Mrs E Bakker Van De Woestine, a real honour at such a prestigious show!
While the obedience certainly wasn't our most successful venture to date, in the show ring, Louis (Ch C'est Louis Armstrong des Chevaloupsgreg CD HT PT (Imp USA)) simply shone! On Saturday he was awarded BEST EXHIBIT IN GROUP and Best Open in Group at the Albury Show Society, under Queensland judge Mrs C Speed. And then to top things off, we had the sheer thrill of going RUNNER UP TO BEST IN SHOW and Best Open in Show under Victorian judge Prof B Corbitt. On Sunday, at the Albury and Border Kennel Club, he continued his winning ways, being awarded RUNNER UP TO BEST IN GROUP , again under Prof Corbitt.
We took the drive back home on Sunday night in order to be in Melbourne for the next two days of showing at our traditional Cup Weekend shows. Monday was a miserable, muddy and rainy day at the Victorian Women's Dog Club where Louis was Best of Breed. Tuesday was a little more pleasant at the Sunbury Dog Club, our second biggest show of the year after the Melbourne Royal. There Louis was again Best of Breed, with Emmi (Ch Lumiturpa Emmi CCD HT (Imp Fnl)) being awarded Runner Up, and this time was shortlisted for Best in Group under our judge from the Netherlands, Mrs E Bakker Van De Woestine, a real honour at such a prestigious show!
23 October 2011
A successful show weekend for the girls

It was back in the show ring this weekend. It was very much appreciated that the Southern Cross Kennel Club was one of the first Victorian clubs to offer the neuter class, so that swung our decision, with a few events on offer over the weekend, to enter those shows. It is always lovely to have our Lahti (Ch Armahani Amethyst Apina) out again.
We had the pleasure of exhbiting under two NZ judges, who both expressed their pleasure at being able to see some Finnish Lapphunds during their judging appointments. On Saturday night, judge Mrs C Wallace gave Emmi her Best of Breed, and followed up later in the evening with awarding Lahti Best Neuter in Group.
Then today, under judge Mrs V Mc Cambridge, Louis was Best of Breed. And this time the group honours went to a rather naked Taija (Armahani Crystal Cuovgat) being awarded Best Intermediate in Group.
I'm very proud of both of these young girls!
We had the pleasure of exhbiting under two NZ judges, who both expressed their pleasure at being able to see some Finnish Lapphunds during their judging appointments. On Saturday night, judge Mrs C Wallace gave Emmi her Best of Breed, and followed up later in the evening with awarding Lahti Best Neuter in Group.
Then today, under judge Mrs V Mc Cambridge, Louis was Best of Breed. And this time the group honours went to a rather naked Taija (Armahani Crystal Cuovgat) being awarded Best Intermediate in Group.
I'm very proud of both of these young girls!
16 October 2011
Emmi gains two Novice Jumping qualifications at her first agility trial

Today we entered out first ever agility trail, held at our local club, Ballaarat Dog Obedience Club. Both Emmi and Louis were just entered in the novice jumping ring.
Louis was the first in. It was only yesterday that I remembered I hadn't really done much in the way of training him for the tyre jump! Although we had a few practice goes yesterday, the tyre with the start gates either side were clearly unfamiliar to him, because he looked at me oddly at his release, ducked underneath, and then proceeded to do the rest of the course perfectly!! Emmi, however, was the star, qualifying with a 2nd fastest time in the ring under judge Mr R Padfield.
It was Emmi's turn to shine again in the afternoon, again qualifying and again with a 2nd place in ring.
Louis' afternoon run was ..... "interesting" to say the least, as he had one of his silly-Louis moments where everything just gets a little bit too exciting!
It was a great day, and to top it off Emmi was awarded fastest club member dog for the morning trial! What a star this girl is!
Louis was the first in. It was only yesterday that I remembered I hadn't really done much in the way of training him for the tyre jump! Although we had a few practice goes yesterday, the tyre with the start gates either side were clearly unfamiliar to him, because he looked at me oddly at his release, ducked underneath, and then proceeded to do the rest of the course perfectly!! Emmi, however, was the star, qualifying with a 2nd fastest time in the ring under judge Mr R Padfield.
It was Emmi's turn to shine again in the afternoon, again qualifying and again with a 2nd place in ring.
Louis' afternoon run was ..... "interesting" to say the least, as he had one of his silly-Louis moments where everything just gets a little bit too exciting!
It was a great day, and to top it off Emmi was awarded fastest club member dog for the morning trial! What a star this girl is!
5 October 2011
Emmi is Best of Breed at the Perth Royal Show

Following the success of Melbourne, we headed off to the other side of the country for the Perth Royal Show. It has been a number of years since I've taken the trip, but I do love to get the opportunity to catch up with the Western Australia Lappie crowd, see dogs who have all grown up, as well as meet the new ones. It was a lovely day, spent with some lovely people!
It was Emmi's day yet again, going Best of Breed under German judge Mr Jochen Eberhardt. She had this honour last time we flew to Perth, so I think the atmosphere must certainly agree with her!
Full results from the Lapphund judging are below:
Dog Challenge – Mirawee Powers That Be
Reserve Dog Challenge – Ch Theldaroy Im The Best
Bitch Challenge – Ch Lumiturpa Emmi CCD HT (Imp Fnl)
Best of Breed – Ch Lumiturpa Emmi CCD HT (Imp Fnl)
Runner Up Best of Breed – Mirawee Powers That Be
Intermediate Dog (1 entry / 1 absent)
State Bred Dog (1 entry / 0 absent)
1st Ch Mirawee Powers That Be (Arlo)
Open Dog (4 entries / 1 absent)
1st Ch Theldaroy Im The Best (Boots)
2nd Ch C’est Louis Armstrong des Chevaloupsgreg CD HT (Imp USA) (Louis)
3rd Ch Theldaroy The Way To Go (Jari)
Intermediate Bitch (1 entry / 1 absent)
State Bred Bitch (1 entry / 1 absent)
Open Bitch (2 entries / 1 absent)
1st Ch Lumiturpa Emmi CCD HT (Imp Fnl) (Emmi)
It was Emmi's day yet again, going Best of Breed under German judge Mr Jochen Eberhardt. She had this honour last time we flew to Perth, so I think the atmosphere must certainly agree with her!
Full results from the Lapphund judging are below:
Dog Challenge – Mirawee Powers That Be
Reserve Dog Challenge – Ch Theldaroy Im The Best
Bitch Challenge – Ch Lumiturpa Emmi CCD HT (Imp Fnl)
Best of Breed – Ch Lumiturpa Emmi CCD HT (Imp Fnl)
Runner Up Best of Breed – Mirawee Powers That Be
Intermediate Dog (1 entry / 1 absent)
State Bred Dog (1 entry / 0 absent)
1st Ch Mirawee Powers That Be (Arlo)
Open Dog (4 entries / 1 absent)
1st Ch Theldaroy Im The Best (Boots)
2nd Ch C’est Louis Armstrong des Chevaloupsgreg CD HT (Imp USA) (Louis)
3rd Ch Theldaroy The Way To Go (Jari)
Intermediate Bitch (1 entry / 1 absent)
State Bred Bitch (1 entry / 1 absent)
Open Bitch (2 entries / 1 absent)
1st Ch Lumiturpa Emmi CCD HT (Imp Fnl) (Emmi)
1 October 2011
Another fantastic Melbourne Royal for Armahani

Another Royal Melbourne Show! This is the big occasion for our showing calendar (although perhaps our first specialty champ show may surpass it next year)! Our breed judging was held last Wednesday 28 September, with our judge from Sweden, officially Finnish judge Mr B Skalin, lending a sense of excitement with a Scandinavian judge in the ring! It was extra special to have him provide us with his thoughts and critiques on our dogs in the ring - a normal practice in Finland, but something those of us here in Australia don't usually experience, but which most of us are a big fan of.
Matching last year, we had 25 Finnish Lapphunds entered, with three absences, including our girl Kyla (Armahani Crystal Cearpmat) who for the second year in a row inconveniently timed her season!
It was another exciting outcome for Armahani! The biggest thrill was certainly the Best of Breed win for my beautiful Emmi (Ch Lumiturpa Emmi CCD HT (Imp Fnl))! For the preceding five years Emmi has been awarded RUBOB, and I'd been trying to not to hope too much that this would finally be her year! There was certainly a stray tear when Mr Skalin made his decision, and big thanks go to my fellow exhibitors who must have guessed my secret wish (or at least shared it with me) for the big cheer ringside! Emmi is the first Lapphund bitch to be awarded Best of Breed at the Royal Melbourne Show since 2002!!!
It didn't quite stop there though. Dog Challenge and Runner Up Best of Breed went to our beautiful boy Alaska (Ch Teelikamentten Iikka (Imp Fnl)), looking just spectacular after a full year away from the show ring, with a big congratulations to his co-owner and handler V Brotto of Articmal Finnish Lapphunds. The Reserve Challenges were extra special, with both going to two of our beautiful dogs, showing at their very last Royal show. The RDCC went to our "old boy" Kulta (Ch Theldaroy Best Treasure CCD HT) who certainly didn't act his 8 1/2 years as the naughtiest dog exhibiting, who will be largely retired next year. The RBCC went to our lovely cream girl Mischa (Ch Armahani Bloodstone Bilaidit) with enormous congratulations to co-owners and handlers S Chouffot and G Brassington of Caleebra Finnish Lapphunds.
Mischa is the grand-daughter of Emmi and Kulta on one side of her pedigree, and the daughter of Alaska on the other side, so it certainly was a family affair for her. The top results were almost a replica of 2008 with Mischa's dam Lahti (Emmi and Kulta's daughter) taking the reserve bitch challenge that year.
Today was General Specials day, with Emmi and puppy Ruby (Taigakoira Aamutahti) representing the Lapphunds. It was thrilling indeed when Mr Skalin pulled Emmi out as one of his eight top finalists during Group 5 judging!! This is the first time a Finnish Lapphund has been shortlisted for best in group at one of the three major royal shows, so we couldn't be prouder!
Full results from the Lapphund judging are below:
Dog Challenge – Ch Teelikamentten Iikka (Imp Fnl)
Reserve Dog Challenge – Ch Theldaroy Best Treasure CCD HT
Bitch Challenge – Ch Lumiturpa Emmi CCD HT (Imp Fnl)
Reserve Bitch Challenge – Ch Armahani Bloodstone Mischa
Best of Breed – Ch Lumiturpa Emmi CCD HT (Imp Fnl)
Runner Up Best of Breed – Ch Teelikamentten Iikka (Imp Fnl)
Puppy of Breed – Taigakoira Aamutahti
Junior Dog (1 entry / 0 absent)
1st Ausvarg Dragonvalcore (Nike)
Intermediate Dog (3 entries / 0 absent)
1st Ch Watersedge Secret Agent (Larry)
2nd Armahani Bloodstone Bihci HT (Ahti)
3rd Ch Armahani Crystal Caibmat (Dolce)
Aus Bred Dog (5 entries / 1 absent)
1st Ch Theldaroy Best Treasure CCD HT (Kulta)
2nd Articmal Dynamic Illusion HT (Taavi)
3rd Ch Theldaroy Simply Magic (Varda)
Open Dog (3 entries / 0 absent)
1st Ch Teelikamentten Iikka (Imp Fnl) (Alaska)
2nd Ch Janoby Because I Am (Elliot)
3rd Ch C’est Louis Armstrong des Chevaloupsgreg CD HT (Imp USA) (Louis)
Puppy Bitch (2 entries / 1 absent)
1st Taigakoira Aamutahti (Ruby)
Junior Bitch (2 entries / 0 absent)
1st Janoby Ever So Sweet (Ella)
2nd Janoby Ever So Wild (Alera)
Intermediate Bitch (6 entries / 1 absent)
1st Ch Armahani Bloodstone Bilaidit (Mischa)
2nd Kalevi Autumn Sunshine HT (Tarja)
3rd Lapinlumon Muotkakukka HT (Imp Dmk) (Mutkis)
Aus Bred Bitch (1 entry / 0 absent)
1st Ch Janoby All About Aura (Roara)
Open Bitch (2 entries / 0 absent)
1st Ch Lumiturpa Emmi CCD HT (Imp Fnl) (Emmi)
2nd Ch Janoby Been Looking Foru (Cheeky)
Matching last year, we had 25 Finnish Lapphunds entered, with three absences, including our girl Kyla (Armahani Crystal Cearpmat) who for the second year in a row inconveniently timed her season!
It was another exciting outcome for Armahani! The biggest thrill was certainly the Best of Breed win for my beautiful Emmi (Ch Lumiturpa Emmi CCD HT (Imp Fnl))! For the preceding five years Emmi has been awarded RUBOB, and I'd been trying to not to hope too much that this would finally be her year! There was certainly a stray tear when Mr Skalin made his decision, and big thanks go to my fellow exhibitors who must have guessed my secret wish (or at least shared it with me) for the big cheer ringside! Emmi is the first Lapphund bitch to be awarded Best of Breed at the Royal Melbourne Show since 2002!!!
It didn't quite stop there though. Dog Challenge and Runner Up Best of Breed went to our beautiful boy Alaska (Ch Teelikamentten Iikka (Imp Fnl)), looking just spectacular after a full year away from the show ring, with a big congratulations to his co-owner and handler V Brotto of Articmal Finnish Lapphunds. The Reserve Challenges were extra special, with both going to two of our beautiful dogs, showing at their very last Royal show. The RDCC went to our "old boy" Kulta (Ch Theldaroy Best Treasure CCD HT) who certainly didn't act his 8 1/2 years as the naughtiest dog exhibiting, who will be largely retired next year. The RBCC went to our lovely cream girl Mischa (Ch Armahani Bloodstone Bilaidit) with enormous congratulations to co-owners and handlers S Chouffot and G Brassington of Caleebra Finnish Lapphunds.
Mischa is the grand-daughter of Emmi and Kulta on one side of her pedigree, and the daughter of Alaska on the other side, so it certainly was a family affair for her. The top results were almost a replica of 2008 with Mischa's dam Lahti (Emmi and Kulta's daughter) taking the reserve bitch challenge that year.
Today was General Specials day, with Emmi and puppy Ruby (Taigakoira Aamutahti) representing the Lapphunds. It was thrilling indeed when Mr Skalin pulled Emmi out as one of his eight top finalists during Group 5 judging!! This is the first time a Finnish Lapphund has been shortlisted for best in group at one of the three major royal shows, so we couldn't be prouder!
Full results from the Lapphund judging are below:
Dog Challenge – Ch Teelikamentten Iikka (Imp Fnl)
Reserve Dog Challenge – Ch Theldaroy Best Treasure CCD HT
Bitch Challenge – Ch Lumiturpa Emmi CCD HT (Imp Fnl)
Reserve Bitch Challenge – Ch Armahani Bloodstone Mischa
Best of Breed – Ch Lumiturpa Emmi CCD HT (Imp Fnl)
Runner Up Best of Breed – Ch Teelikamentten Iikka (Imp Fnl)
Puppy of Breed – Taigakoira Aamutahti
Junior Dog (1 entry / 0 absent)
1st Ausvarg Dragonvalcore (Nike)
Intermediate Dog (3 entries / 0 absent)
1st Ch Watersedge Secret Agent (Larry)
2nd Armahani Bloodstone Bihci HT (Ahti)
3rd Ch Armahani Crystal Caibmat (Dolce)
Aus Bred Dog (5 entries / 1 absent)
1st Ch Theldaroy Best Treasure CCD HT (Kulta)
2nd Articmal Dynamic Illusion HT (Taavi)
3rd Ch Theldaroy Simply Magic (Varda)
Open Dog (3 entries / 0 absent)
1st Ch Teelikamentten Iikka (Imp Fnl) (Alaska)
2nd Ch Janoby Because I Am (Elliot)
3rd Ch C’est Louis Armstrong des Chevaloupsgreg CD HT (Imp USA) (Louis)
Puppy Bitch (2 entries / 1 absent)
1st Taigakoira Aamutahti (Ruby)
Junior Bitch (2 entries / 0 absent)
1st Janoby Ever So Sweet (Ella)
2nd Janoby Ever So Wild (Alera)
Intermediate Bitch (6 entries / 1 absent)
1st Ch Armahani Bloodstone Bilaidit (Mischa)
2nd Kalevi Autumn Sunshine HT (Tarja)
3rd Lapinlumon Muotkakukka HT (Imp Dmk) (Mutkis)
Aus Bred Bitch (1 entry / 0 absent)
1st Ch Janoby All About Aura (Roara)
Open Bitch (2 entries / 0 absent)
1st Ch Lumiturpa Emmi CCD HT (Imp Fnl) (Emmi)
2nd Ch Janoby Been Looking Foru (Cheeky)
11 September 2011
Great success for Armahani at the VHA herding trial

What an amazing day today was, spent at the Victorian Herding Association's Herding Trial with good friends.
It was quite the success for Armahani Kennels. Firstly with my beautiful Emmi (Ch Lumiturpa Emmi CCD (Imp Fnl)) handled by myself, and her handsome grandson Ahti (Armahani Bloodstone Bihci) handled by Mel Scriven, both earning their two Herding Test qualifications to earn their HT titles! I couldn't be prouder, particularly when Ahti was awarded the encouragement award by the two judges across all of the dogs competing at HT level today! This boy shows a lot of promise, and I'm sure he will have lots of fun in the herding arena in the future.
Not to be outdone, Louis (Ch C'est Louis Armstrong des Chevaloupsgreg CCD HT (Imp USA)) then earned his two Pre-Trial Test qualifications to gain his PT title! Louis is the first Lappie in Australia to earn this title, and I am thrilled to pieces we have made it this far.
It was a great day for the Lappies generally, with several of Kalevi Kennel's crew also gaining their HT titles, with big congratulations to Taavi (Articmal Dynamic Illusion), Mutkis (Lapinlumon Muotkakukka (Imp Dmk)), and Tarja (Kalevi Autumn Sunshine).
It was quite the success for Armahani Kennels. Firstly with my beautiful Emmi (Ch Lumiturpa Emmi CCD (Imp Fnl)) handled by myself, and her handsome grandson Ahti (Armahani Bloodstone Bihci) handled by Mel Scriven, both earning their two Herding Test qualifications to earn their HT titles! I couldn't be prouder, particularly when Ahti was awarded the encouragement award by the two judges across all of the dogs competing at HT level today! This boy shows a lot of promise, and I'm sure he will have lots of fun in the herding arena in the future.
Not to be outdone, Louis (Ch C'est Louis Armstrong des Chevaloupsgreg CCD HT (Imp USA)) then earned his two Pre-Trial Test qualifications to gain his PT title! Louis is the first Lappie in Australia to earn this title, and I am thrilled to pieces we have made it this far.
It was a great day for the Lappies generally, with several of Kalevi Kennel's crew also gaining their HT titles, with big congratulations to Taavi (Articmal Dynamic Illusion), Mutkis (Lapinlumon Muotkakukka (Imp Dmk)), and Tarja (Kalevi Autumn Sunshine).
29 August 2011
A brilliant weekend in Sydney at the Spring Fair

We have just arrived home from a simply fantastic weekend away in Sydney for the Dogs NSW Spring Fair. It is the first time we have shown in Sydney, and while it was a great chance to go somewhere new, most importantly it was absolutely lovely to meet up with and treasure time with great friends!
Mel Scriven, with Ahti (Armhani Bloodstone Bihci), came with me for the journey, meeting up with Shareen Chouffot, with Dolce (Ch Armahani Crystal Caibmat) and Mischa (Ch Armahani Bloodstone Bilaidit), half way. As I had all of my guys with me, including Kulta, who doesn't show a huge amount these days, it was quite the family reunion!
Best of all, we got to seen some of the lovely NSW Lappies, and spend a beautiful sunny weekend sharing, eating and partaking of the occasional wine :-) with many of their wonderful owners, handlers and friends.
Louis and Emmi were dog challenge and bitch challenge at all three shows, with Louis taking BOB at all three, and Emmi RUBOB at two of the three.
Mel Scriven, with Ahti (Armhani Bloodstone Bihci), came with me for the journey, meeting up with Shareen Chouffot, with Dolce (Ch Armahani Crystal Caibmat) and Mischa (Ch Armahani Bloodstone Bilaidit), half way. As I had all of my guys with me, including Kulta, who doesn't show a huge amount these days, it was quite the family reunion!
Best of all, we got to seen some of the lovely NSW Lappies, and spend a beautiful sunny weekend sharing, eating and partaking of the occasional wine :-) with many of their wonderful owners, handlers and friends.
Louis and Emmi were dog challenge and bitch challenge at all three shows, with Louis taking BOB at all three, and Emmi RUBOB at two of the three.
21 August 2011
Louis earns his Novice obedience title

Some brilliant early spring sunshine today and we headed up to Bendigo in the afternoon for their Obedience Dog Club's trial. It actually ended up quite hot for the dogs in the ring, not to mention their handler, so I think we've been firmly acclimatised to winter!
It was Louis' day, to my surprise, because today was not his best effort ..... but he did enough, earning a pass in the novice ring with a score of 177 and a 2nd place in ring, under judge Ms Y Ross (Vic).
That was his third novice qualifying score, so his CD title, and he will now be known as Aus Ch C'est Louis Armstrong des Chevaloupsgreg CD HT (Imp USA).
Emmi has been a little "creative" in the ring on the last couple of occasions with her recall, just to keep things interesting! So no luck for her today.
It was Louis' day, to my surprise, because today was not his best effort ..... but he did enough, earning a pass in the novice ring with a score of 177 and a 2nd place in ring, under judge Ms Y Ross (Vic).
That was his third novice qualifying score, so his CD title, and he will now be known as Aus Ch C'est Louis Armstrong des Chevaloupsgreg CD HT (Imp USA).
Emmi has been a little "creative" in the ring on the last couple of occasions with her recall, just to keep things interesting! So no luck for her today.
7 August 2011
A great day at the FLCV herding fun day

We had just an amazingly fun day today at the Finnish Lapphund Club of Victoria's (FLCV) first herding fun day out at Double K Herding. We've been planning this event for a long time, and we had a number of very excited participants.
There were twelve lovely Lappies trying their paw at the herding game for the first time ever. They included Finn (Magpielane Shooting Star), Tarja (Kalevi Autumn Rain), Rex (Watersedge Kings Counsel), Taavi (Articmal Dynamic Illusion), Echo (Magpielane Dream of the Wild), Tasha (Janoby Clear Future), Mutkis (Lapinlumon Muotkakukka (Imp Dmk)), Sohvi (Watersedge Little Black Dress), Ahti (Armahani Bloodstone Bihci), Bear (Ch Janoby Clear The Way), Alera (Janoby Ever So Wild), and Ruby (Taigakoira Aamuntahti).
It was thrilling to see how well they all did, with a few future herding stars amongst them I am sure, each improving over their two runs. I was particularly proud of young Ahti, who really was a super star, and seems to have found his calling. Hopefully, after today, we will see some more Lappies out in the herding test and trial rings before too much longer.
There were twelve lovely Lappies trying their paw at the herding game for the first time ever. They included Finn (Magpielane Shooting Star), Tarja (Kalevi Autumn Rain), Rex (Watersedge Kings Counsel), Taavi (Articmal Dynamic Illusion), Echo (Magpielane Dream of the Wild), Tasha (Janoby Clear Future), Mutkis (Lapinlumon Muotkakukka (Imp Dmk)), Sohvi (Watersedge Little Black Dress), Ahti (Armahani Bloodstone Bihci), Bear (Ch Janoby Clear The Way), Alera (Janoby Ever So Wild), and Ruby (Taigakoira Aamuntahti).
It was thrilling to see how well they all did, with a few future herding stars amongst them I am sure, each improving over their two runs. I was particularly proud of young Ahti, who really was a super star, and seems to have found his calling. Hopefully, after today, we will see some more Lappies out in the herding test and trial rings before too much longer.
6 August 2011
Louis earns Runner up in Group

We haven't been showing a lot of date as we concentrate on a few other things, but we were out with the gang today at the Ladies Kennel Association Championship Show. There Louis (Ch C'est Louis Armstrong des Chevaloupsgreg CCD HT (Imp USA)) once again did me very proud, going RUNNER UP BEST IN GROUP under judge Ms D Saltau (Vic).
I'm so very very proud of how my baby boy is doing this year and can't thank enough the judges who have recognised him!
During the week we also received some good news from one of his daughters, with the health results back for Kyla (Armahani Crystal Cearpmat) giving a hip score of 1/6 and an elbow score of 0/0.
I'm so very very proud of how my baby boy is doing this year and can't thank enough the judges who have recognised him!
During the week we also received some good news from one of his daughters, with the health results back for Kyla (Armahani Crystal Cearpmat) giving a hip score of 1/6 and an elbow score of 0/0.
25 July 2011
Louis puppies born at Kalevi

Even more puppy news today, with the birth of six beautiful babies sired by our Louis (Ch C'est Louis Armstrong des Chevaloupsgreg CCD HT (Imp USA)) at Kalevi Kennels in the early hours of this morning.
A big congratulations to Sarah and David, and the mother of the puppies Miia (Articmal Chasing Rainbows).
Miia and Louis produced a nice even litter this time around, with three boys and three girls. All are thriving and doing well.
It will be very exciting to watch these little crazy ones grow!
A big congratulations to Sarah and David, and the mother of the puppies Miia (Articmal Chasing Rainbows).
Miia and Louis produced a nice even litter this time around, with three boys and three girls. All are thriving and doing well.
It will be very exciting to watch these little crazy ones grow!
10 July 2011
Fun at the FLCV walk and picnic

We had a lovely day today at the Finnish Lapphund Club of Victoria's walk and picnic. It was wonderful to catch up with old friends and make new ones.
Emmi (Ch Lumiturpa Emmi CCD (Imp Fnl)) and Louis (Ch C'est Louis Armstrong des Chevaloupsgreg CCD HT (Imp USA)) came along with me, but it wasn't until half way through that we turned around to see the lovely surprise of Kulta (Ch Theldaroy Best Treasure CCD HT) and Schatje (Mijke Zavier CDX HT) arriving with my parents, and the bigger surprise of Lahti (Ch Armahani Amethyst Apina) who is staying with them for a couple of weeks. This was Lahti's first Lappie picnic, so we couldn't resist by get some nice family photos with her parents, sister Katrikki (Ch Armahani Amethyst Albmi) and son Ahti (Armahani Bloodstone Bihci).
More photos of the various Lappies who were at the picnic can be found by FLCV members in their latest edition of Lappie Dayz.
Emmi (Ch Lumiturpa Emmi CCD (Imp Fnl)) and Louis (Ch C'est Louis Armstrong des Chevaloupsgreg CCD HT (Imp USA)) came along with me, but it wasn't until half way through that we turned around to see the lovely surprise of Kulta (Ch Theldaroy Best Treasure CCD HT) and Schatje (Mijke Zavier CDX HT) arriving with my parents, and the bigger surprise of Lahti (Ch Armahani Amethyst Apina) who is staying with them for a couple of weeks. This was Lahti's first Lappie picnic, so we couldn't resist by get some nice family photos with her parents, sister Katrikki (Ch Armahani Amethyst Albmi) and son Ahti (Armahani Bloodstone Bihci).
More photos of the various Lappies who were at the picnic can be found by FLCV members in their latest edition of Lappie Dayz.
8 July 2011
Tanssija gives us more American grand-puppies

More excitment from American, this time with the birth of new grand-puppies. Our beautiful Tanssija (UKC Ch Armahani Amethyst Aatto) gave birth to seven beautiful puppies, sired by the handome UKC Gr Ch Finale Zazza Espresso.
There are two girls, and five boys, all black and tan with the exception of one of the little girls who is cream. All are thriving and doing very well.
Congratulations to Kit Brillinger of Calaban Kennels. Once again we look forward to watching these little ones grow, and hopefully doing as well as their lovely half-siblings.
There are two girls, and five boys, all black and tan with the exception of one of the little girls who is cream. All are thriving and doing very well.
Congratulations to Kit Brillinger of Calaban Kennels. Once again we look forward to watching these little ones grow, and hopefully doing as well as their lovely half-siblings.
3 July 2011
A brilliant AKC debut for Toby

It has been brilliantly exciting to share in news from the USA this weekend, as our American friends have made their debut in the Herding Group as (finally) a fully recognised American Kennel Club breed.
While there have been some great stories, with new American Champions, and incredibly, group placements on their first week, the BIG and thrilling news for us came from California. There the lovely young Toby (Calaban's Armahani IWannaTalkAboutMe) at only 13 months of age, was awarded not one, but two Group 4s (4th place in group) at his debut AKC weekend!
Toby, owned, loved and handled, by Carmen Peterson, is the son of our Tanissja (UKC Ch Armahani Amethyst Aatto) and Pilgrim (UKC Gr Ch Lecibsin Kumppani), and while officially bred by both myself and Kit Brillinger, the credit for his lovely breeding really rests solely with Kit!
To add some icing to the cake, we also received the lovely news that the young son of Alaska (Ch Teelikamentten Iikka (Imp Fnl)), Denali (Valkea's Glazier Peak), in another part of the country, was awarded a forth placed puppy in group!
We are so incredibly proud of these lovely boys and wish them and their owners many more wonderful wins to come.
While there have been some great stories, with new American Champions, and incredibly, group placements on their first week, the BIG and thrilling news for us came from California. There the lovely young Toby (Calaban's Armahani IWannaTalkAboutMe) at only 13 months of age, was awarded not one, but two Group 4s (4th place in group) at his debut AKC weekend!
Toby, owned, loved and handled, by Carmen Peterson, is the son of our Tanissja (UKC Ch Armahani Amethyst Aatto) and Pilgrim (UKC Gr Ch Lecibsin Kumppani), and while officially bred by both myself and Kit Brillinger, the credit for his lovely breeding really rests solely with Kit!
To add some icing to the cake, we also received the lovely news that the young son of Alaska (Ch Teelikamentten Iikka (Imp Fnl)), Denali (Valkea's Glazier Peak), in another part of the country, was awarded a forth placed puppy in group!
We are so incredibly proud of these lovely boys and wish them and their owners many more wonderful wins to come.
2 July 2011
Some sad heath results for Mischa

We have some exceptionally sad news to share today after so many months of good news. Late last week, both Dolce (Ch Armahani Crystal Caibmat) and Mischa (Ch Armahani Bloodstone Bilaidit) went off to have their eye tests.
While Dolce'e eyes were fine, sadly Mischa has been diagnosed with Geographical Retinal Dysplasia (GRD). While hers is a very subtle case, and does not (and will not in the future) impact her vision in anyway, it does put paid to any breeding career she may have had.
Mischa will be shortly desexed. She will continue to be loved and adored by S Chouffot and G Brassington at Caleebra Kennels, where she will continue her obedience training, and will hopefully still see the show rings in the neuter class.
Huge thanks to Shareen and Glen for continuing to take such good care of this precious girl, and for making the difficult decisions that breeders often face.
While Dolce'e eyes were fine, sadly Mischa has been diagnosed with Geographical Retinal Dysplasia (GRD). While hers is a very subtle case, and does not (and will not in the future) impact her vision in anyway, it does put paid to any breeding career she may have had.
Mischa will be shortly desexed. She will continue to be loved and adored by S Chouffot and G Brassington at Caleebra Kennels, where she will continue her obedience training, and will hopefully still see the show rings in the neuter class.
Huge thanks to Shareen and Glen for continuing to take such good care of this precious girl, and for making the difficult decisions that breeders often face.
26 July 2011
Louis earns his second novice obedience pass after a day of herding

It was Louis' turn to shine this weekend.
After a fabulous day doing some herding training yesterday, with Louis (Ch C'est Louis Armstrong des Chevaloupsgreg CCD HT (Imp USA)) definitely having one of those days where things just seemed to click, today we were off to the Broadmeadows Obedience Dog Club's obedience trial.
Both Louis and Emmi (Ch Lumiturpa Emmi CCD (Imp Fnl)) were competing in the novice ring under judge Mrs D Ayton. Louis was the star, earning his second novice pass with a nice score of 187 and a 4th place in ring. Emmi, unfortunately didn't have so good a day for her first time in the novice ring, so it is a better luck next time for her.
After a fabulous day doing some herding training yesterday, with Louis (Ch C'est Louis Armstrong des Chevaloupsgreg CCD HT (Imp USA)) definitely having one of those days where things just seemed to click, today we were off to the Broadmeadows Obedience Dog Club's obedience trial.
Both Louis and Emmi (Ch Lumiturpa Emmi CCD (Imp Fnl)) were competing in the novice ring under judge Mrs D Ayton. Louis was the star, earning his second novice pass with a nice score of 187 and a 4th place in ring. Emmi, unfortunately didn't have so good a day for her first time in the novice ring, so it is a better luck next time for her.
13 June 2011
A successful day at the Victorian Spitz Breeds Club championship show

We have been hardly doing any showing these last couple of months, but the Victorian Spitz Breeds Club annual championship show is one we try never to miss. It is usually our seond biggest show of the year for the Lappies here in Victoria, seing an entry of 20 this year, with just a few absent. It was lovely to see and catch up with everyone
Despite his baldness, it was Louis' (Ch C'est Louis Armstrong des Chevaloupsgreg CCD HT (Imp USA)) year this year, being awarded Best of Breed. He was followed up by Taija (Armahani Crystal Cuovgat) who beat her mother to be awarded the Bitch Challenge, with Emmi (Ch Lumiturpa Emmi CCD (Imp Fnl)) coming in as her second with the Reserve, and then taking out Runner Up Best of Breed. Emmi, or one of her daughters, has taken out the Bitch Challenge at this show every year since 2007!
Next year, the Finnish Lapphund Club of Victoria will be holding their inaugural championship show at the same place and venue, so with two champ shows on offer we are sure it is going to be a HUGE event!
Despite his baldness, it was Louis' (Ch C'est Louis Armstrong des Chevaloupsgreg CCD HT (Imp USA)) year this year, being awarded Best of Breed. He was followed up by Taija (Armahani Crystal Cuovgat) who beat her mother to be awarded the Bitch Challenge, with Emmi (Ch Lumiturpa Emmi CCD (Imp Fnl)) coming in as her second with the Reserve, and then taking out Runner Up Best of Breed. Emmi, or one of her daughters, has taken out the Bitch Challenge at this show every year since 2007!
Next year, the Finnish Lapphund Club of Victoria will be holding their inaugural championship show at the same place and venue, so with two champ shows on offer we are sure it is going to be a HUGE event!
4 June 2011
Emmi earns her CCD obedience title
We had a lovely day today in some glorious early winter sunshine (probably the last to enjoy for a while) at the Working Dog Club of Victoria's restricted to Group 5 obedience trial.
Emmi started the day in fine style, gaining her third and final qualifying score needed to gain her CCD title, doing it impressively with a score of 95 and a 1st place in her ring, under judge Mr G Eades. Emmi will now be known as Ch Lumiturpa Emmi CCD (Imp Fnl).
She continued her winning ways in the afternoon, earning a bonus qualifying score with 93 and another 1st place, under judge Mr F Brueckner.
Obviously concerned she was now hot on his tail, Louis (Ch C'est Louis Armstrong des Chevaloupsgreg CCD HT (Imp USA)) pulled his paw out, and after a not very impressive performance in the morning for his first trial in the Novice ring, he made up with it with his first qualifying score of 178, which was also a 1st in ring, under judge Ms L Vaughan. Unfortunately a good portion of those lost points were due to his very naughty handler, so when she gets her act together, we should see some nice things out of him.
Emmi started the day in fine style, gaining her third and final qualifying score needed to gain her CCD title, doing it impressively with a score of 95 and a 1st place in her ring, under judge Mr G Eades. Emmi will now be known as Ch Lumiturpa Emmi CCD (Imp Fnl).
She continued her winning ways in the afternoon, earning a bonus qualifying score with 93 and another 1st place, under judge Mr F Brueckner.
Obviously concerned she was now hot on his tail, Louis (Ch C'est Louis Armstrong des Chevaloupsgreg CCD HT (Imp USA)) pulled his paw out, and after a not very impressive performance in the morning for his first trial in the Novice ring, he made up with it with his first qualifying score of 178, which was also a 1st in ring, under judge Ms L Vaughan. Unfortunately a good portion of those lost points were due to his very naughty handler, so when she gets her act together, we should see some nice things out of him.
28 May 2011
Louis visits Kalevi kennels for a few days

I'm a relieved girl tonight, with Louis (Ch C'est Louis Armstrong des Chevaloupsgreg CCD HT (Imp USA)) back home where he belongs. It has been a very quiet and lonely few days for Emmi and I without him at home.
But he has been very busy, performing some important duties at Kalevi Kennels, where he was paying a ah-hmm..... special ah-hmm...... and rather romantic visit ah-hmm..... with Miia (Articmal ChasingRainbows).
Thanks to Sarah and David for looking after my baby over the last few days, and returning him today, arriving just in time to see Emmi earn Best of Breed at the Bulla Autumn Extravaganza Oaks Show.
For more information on the (hopefully) coming litter, click HERE. For now we keep all fingers crossed!
But he has been very busy, performing some important duties at Kalevi Kennels, where he was paying a ah-hmm..... special ah-hmm...... and rather romantic visit ah-hmm..... with Miia (Articmal ChasingRainbows).
Thanks to Sarah and David for looking after my baby over the last few days, and returning him today, arriving just in time to see Emmi earn Best of Breed at the Bulla Autumn Extravaganza Oaks Show.
For more information on the (hopefully) coming litter, click HERE. For now we keep all fingers crossed!
22 May 2011
Louis earns his CCD obedience title

After a few weeks away we were back in both the show and obedience rings this weekend. Yesterday we did a double header at the Caulfield and District Kennel Club Championship Show, followed by the Dogs Victoria Twilight Fundraising Championship Show. Both Louis (Ch C'est Louis Armstrong des Chevaloupsgreg HT (Imp USA)) and Emmi (Ch Lumiturpa (Imp Fnl)) did me proud, taking out Best of Breed and Runner Up Best of Breed - just swtiching the order amongst themselves over the two shows. Both were shortlisted for Best in Group, but no extra ribbons to take home this time around.
But the big day was today where they were both entered the Mornington Obedience Club's Trial at KCC Park - again competing in CCD. They were in different rings, but both did me very proud. Emmi qualified under judge Ms S Stephens with a score of 89 and a 4th place, as did Louis under judge Mrs N McIlroy with a score of 92 and a 3rd place.
For Louis, it was his third qualifying score, so I am thrilled to announce that he has earned his CCD obedience title, making him now Ch C'est Louis Armstrong des Chevaloupsgreg CCD HT (Imp USA).
Now it is on to Novice for him, while Emmi still has one more pass to go.
But the big day was today where they were both entered the Mornington Obedience Club's Trial at KCC Park - again competing in CCD. They were in different rings, but both did me very proud. Emmi qualified under judge Ms S Stephens with a score of 89 and a 4th place, as did Louis under judge Mrs N McIlroy with a score of 92 and a 3rd place.
For Louis, it was his third qualifying score, so I am thrilled to announce that he has earned his CCD obedience title, making him now Ch C'est Louis Armstrong des Chevaloupsgreg CCD HT (Imp USA).
Now it is on to Novice for him, while Emmi still has one more pass to go.
25 April 2011
Obedience and show success for Emmi and Louis

My super stars continue their winning ways over this weekend. Saturday and Sunday we were entered their first obedience trials, and my first for a number of years! To say I was excited yet very very nervous would be an understatement!
Our first effort on Saturday 23rd April, at the Easter Trials ran by the Obedience, Tracking and Endurance Committee of Dogs Victoria, came with great success for Louis (Ch C'est Louis Armstrong des Chevaloupsgreg (Imp USA) HT) under judge Mrs K Houlden, earning a score of 95/100 in the CCD ring, with a 2nd place, and giving him his first qualification toward his CCD title.
While Emmi (Ch Lumiturpa Emmi (Imp Fnl)) didn't do as well on the first day, she more than made up for it the second day on Sunday 24th April, earning a score of 92, under judge Ms C Geary, which gave her a 1st place and also her first qualification toward her CCD title. Louis is a step ahead of her however, also gaining a qualifying score of 88 on the second day, making that his second.
To top off a great weekend, today we showed at the Town and Country Kennel Club Championship Show, where under judge Mrs A Bieberitz (Vic), Louis was awarded Best of Breed, Emmi Runner Up Best of Breed, and then .... Louis made RUNNER UP BEST IN GROUP !
Our first effort on Saturday 23rd April, at the Easter Trials ran by the Obedience, Tracking and Endurance Committee of Dogs Victoria, came with great success for Louis (Ch C'est Louis Armstrong des Chevaloupsgreg (Imp USA) HT) under judge Mrs K Houlden, earning a score of 95/100 in the CCD ring, with a 2nd place, and giving him his first qualification toward his CCD title.
While Emmi (Ch Lumiturpa Emmi (Imp Fnl)) didn't do as well on the first day, she more than made up for it the second day on Sunday 24th April, earning a score of 92, under judge Ms C Geary, which gave her a 1st place and also her first qualification toward her CCD title. Louis is a step ahead of her however, also gaining a qualifying score of 88 on the second day, making that his second.
To top off a great weekend, today we showed at the Town and Country Kennel Club Championship Show, where under judge Mrs A Bieberitz (Vic), Louis was awarded Best of Breed, Emmi Runner Up Best of Breed, and then .... Louis made RUNNER UP BEST IN GROUP !
17 April 2011
An amazing show weekend for Armahani

We took a trip to Albury for the first time this weekend, for a three day show weekend. The winning attraction was the availability of the neuter class, allowing me to bring Lahti (Ch Armahani Amethyst Apina) out for a play again. And what an amazing weekend it was!
On Friday, at the Corowa & District Kennel Club, under judge Ms P Hartwell (NSW) Louis (Ch C'est Louis Armstrong des Chevaloupsgreg (Imp USA) HT) made it back to back weekends, taking out yet another BEST IN GROUP and Open in Group. He was followed up by Lahti, who was awarded Best Neuter in Group.
Saturday it was only Lahti's turn to shine, taking another Best Neuter in Group under Ms M Thomas (NSW).
Then Sunday it was my beautiful Emmi's (Ch Lumiturpa Emmi (Imp Fnl)) turn, taking the best of breed over Louis and then herself going BEST IN GROUP and Open in Group under judge Ms J Ford. Taija (Armahani Crystal Cuovgat) was also shortlisted for Junior in Group, and Lahti earned her third Neuter in Group for the weekend!
What an AMAZING weekend!!
On Friday, at the Corowa & District Kennel Club, under judge Ms P Hartwell (NSW) Louis (Ch C'est Louis Armstrong des Chevaloupsgreg (Imp USA) HT) made it back to back weekends, taking out yet another BEST IN GROUP and Open in Group. He was followed up by Lahti, who was awarded Best Neuter in Group.
Saturday it was only Lahti's turn to shine, taking another Best Neuter in Group under Ms M Thomas (NSW).
Then Sunday it was my beautiful Emmi's (Ch Lumiturpa Emmi (Imp Fnl)) turn, taking the best of breed over Louis and then herself going BEST IN GROUP and Open in Group under judge Ms J Ford. Taija (Armahani Crystal Cuovgat) was also shortlisted for Junior in Group, and Lahti earned her third Neuter in Group for the weekend!
What an AMAZING weekend!!
9 April 2011
Runner up Best in Show for Louis

The amazing run continues, with an absolutely incredible win today, with Louis (Ch C'est Louis Armstrong des Chevaloupsgreg (Imp USA) HT) not only taking out another BEST IN GROUP and Best Open in Group at the Central Victoria Canine Club's Championship Show at the Bulla Exhibition Centre, but then going on to be awarded RUNNER UP BEST IN SHOW!!!! and Best Open in Show.
Enormous thanks to our judge for both group and general specials judging, Mrs V Morrow of NSW, for recognising my spectacular boy, who is certainly giving me quite the 2011!
I am still feeling a litle speechless at the year we are having. Louis has been long admired by a number of judges, but his fourth birthday has seemed to herald something special indeed, and I am thrilled with the attention we are getting. Although there have been more and more attention paid to the Lappies in the show ring over the last year or so, with a number of successful youngsters about, I honestly thought it was still a few years off before we would start to see these kind of wins in the Victorian show ring.
I am immensly proud of my boy, and truly thankful for his breeder, V Valy of Chevaloupsgreg Kennels in France for letting him come to Australia, and my good friend K Brillinger of Calaban Kennels in the USA for being his first mum while he met all of the Australian import conditions.
Only time will tell what my beautiful mama's boy still has in store.
Enormous thanks to our judge for both group and general specials judging, Mrs V Morrow of NSW, for recognising my spectacular boy, who is certainly giving me quite the 2011!
I am still feeling a litle speechless at the year we are having. Louis has been long admired by a number of judges, but his fourth birthday has seemed to herald something special indeed, and I am thrilled with the attention we are getting. Although there have been more and more attention paid to the Lappies in the show ring over the last year or so, with a number of successful youngsters about, I honestly thought it was still a few years off before we would start to see these kind of wins in the Victorian show ring.
I am immensly proud of my boy, and truly thankful for his breeder, V Valy of Chevaloupsgreg Kennels in France for letting him come to Australia, and my good friend K Brillinger of Calaban Kennels in the USA for being his first mum while he met all of the Australian import conditions.
Only time will tell what my beautiful mama's boy still has in store.
3 April 2011
Louis earns his Herding Tested title

A change of pace today, but still one of success for my amazing boy Louis (Ch C'est Louis Armstrong des Chevaloupsgreg (Imp USA)). We were entered some herding tests at KCC Park today, and he did me very proud passing both tests, giving him the qualitifications he needed to earn his HT title.
We've been out of the herding arena for a couple of years, and ventured back late last month at a three day workshop held with Canadian trainer and judge Lynn Leach. I attended a similar workshop a few years ago with Kulta, and had an amazing time, so was keen as mustard to sign Louis up when I heard she was coming out again.
Louis is full of enthusiasm for this new pastime ... perhaps a little too much at times! And I certainly have to be far quicker on my feet than I ever was with Kulta. We're hoping to find the time to dedicate outselves to it a bit more this year, and have lined up a nearby venue for the occasional practice (thanks Sam!!).
Today I tried Louis out on his paces at a VHA herding trial. There are three test levels under ANKC herding rules, herding instinct certificate (which Louis passed a couple of years ago), herding test, and pre-trial test. Louis did the middle of these two, passing both times under judges Mrs M Duke and Ms S Templeton. There is a big jump to the next level up, so now the real work begins!!
We've been out of the herding arena for a couple of years, and ventured back late last month at a three day workshop held with Canadian trainer and judge Lynn Leach. I attended a similar workshop a few years ago with Kulta, and had an amazing time, so was keen as mustard to sign Louis up when I heard she was coming out again.
Louis is full of enthusiasm for this new pastime ... perhaps a little too much at times! And I certainly have to be far quicker on my feet than I ever was with Kulta. We're hoping to find the time to dedicate outselves to it a bit more this year, and have lined up a nearby venue for the occasional practice (thanks Sam!!).
Today I tried Louis out on his paces at a VHA herding trial. There are three test levels under ANKC herding rules, herding instinct certificate (which Louis passed a couple of years ago), herding test, and pre-trial test. Louis did the middle of these two, passing both times under judges Mrs M Duke and Ms S Templeton. There is a big jump to the next level up, so now the real work begins!!
28 February 2011
Vale Blaze - Ch Theldaroy Im Not Wild HT

Very very sad news for the Lappies community today with the passing this afternoon of one of our early greats, the adorable, and lover of all humans, Blaze - Ch Theldaroy Im Not Wild HIT. Beloved companion and "heart and soul dog" of his owner Vanessa of Articmal Kennels.
Most in the Australian Lappie world either knew Blaze, or at the very least have heard of him. For so many of us, he was one of the first Lappies we ever met, and one of the key reasons we were convinced they must be the most perfect breed in existence. Handsome, affectionate, adoring of all people, dogs and particularly children, and definitely addicted to continuous cuddles from every single person he ever met, I don't think there will ever be another quite like him. I lost count a long time ago of the people who would meet Blaze and decide that all they wanted for their next dog was a Lappie.
Blaze was the front runner of big winners here. A multi class in group and show winner, back when there were only a handful of Lappies ever to be seen in the show ring in Australia, a multi Royal BOB winner - I believe it was 5 Melbourne Royals in a row, and one year Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne Royals. I know a few of us asked whether he was to be retired from the Royal ring to give someone else a chance! :D Blaze was also the first Lappie to ever be titled in herding, after showing his aptitude with a deer that turned up at Vanessa's property one day.
Run free beautiful Blaze. Your legacy here will never be forgotten. Your life lives on in the progeny and grand-progeny that warm their owner's homes and hearts. Run free with the Malamute friends you grew up with, and with your dad Finn. I know you'll be there to greet your hu-mum with the biggest kiss and cuddle when it is eventually her own time to see you again.
Most in the Australian Lappie world either knew Blaze, or at the very least have heard of him. For so many of us, he was one of the first Lappies we ever met, and one of the key reasons we were convinced they must be the most perfect breed in existence. Handsome, affectionate, adoring of all people, dogs and particularly children, and definitely addicted to continuous cuddles from every single person he ever met, I don't think there will ever be another quite like him. I lost count a long time ago of the people who would meet Blaze and decide that all they wanted for their next dog was a Lappie.
Blaze was the front runner of big winners here. A multi class in group and show winner, back when there were only a handful of Lappies ever to be seen in the show ring in Australia, a multi Royal BOB winner - I believe it was 5 Melbourne Royals in a row, and one year Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne Royals. I know a few of us asked whether he was to be retired from the Royal ring to give someone else a chance! :D Blaze was also the first Lappie to ever be titled in herding, after showing his aptitude with a deer that turned up at Vanessa's property one day.
Run free beautiful Blaze. Your legacy here will never be forgotten. Your life lives on in the progeny and grand-progeny that warm their owner's homes and hearts. Run free with the Malamute friends you grew up with, and with your dad Finn. I know you'll be there to greet your hu-mum with the biggest kiss and cuddle when it is eventually her own time to see you again.
26 February 2011
Louis is awarded Runner up in Group and Dolce and Mischa take our Canberra Royal

A great day for Armahani Finnish Lapphunds today. Indicating that he is on a bit of a roll, Louis (Ch C'est Louis Armstrong des Chevaloupsgreg (Imp USA)) followed up his Best in Group win of a fortnight ago by taking out RUNNER UP BEST IN GROUP at the Bendigo Kennel Club Championship Show under judge Mr R Bridgford (Vic), with a big thanks to our judge.
Now four years of age, Louis is maturing into such a handsome boy, and it is a great thrill to have both fellow group 5 exhibitors and judges recognise his qualities. The Group 5 ring in Victoria is well known for some spectacularly excellent dogs, and it has always been an enormous privilege each time we are shortlisted amongst them. To be starting to see some wins amongst such a group as well is a real honour!
It was particularly nice to see our the group 5 BIG winner go on to take out Best in Show, giving me an opportunity to showcase our breed in the General Specials ring again.
It was a good day of judging generally, with Louis taking Best of Breed at both shows, and his daughter Taija (Armahani Crystal Cuovgat) being his second and taking the two Runner Up Best of Breeds, with a nice Lappie entry of seven.
In another part of the country, Louis' son Dolce (Ch Armahani Crystal Caibmat) took out Best of Breed, and our beautiful Mischa (Ch Armahani Bloodstone Bilaidit) took out Runner Up Best of Breed at the Canberra Royal. Although Armahani had kind of stacked the odds this year, with only our dogs present for judging, it was lovely to hear the wonderful comments the European judge had to say, including that he believed Mischa was the nicest cream Lappie he had ever seen anywhere! That after saying that, he still hesitated between her and her brother Blaez (Armahani Bloodstone Bajann) for RUBOB is exceptionally encouraging.
All up, it was a great day for Lappies across the country. Warm congratulations go to S Ewenson with her girl Miia (Articmal Chasing Rainbows) who won Australian Bred in Group at another Victorian show, K Thompson with her girl Ella (Findol Fade To Black) awarded Puppy in Group in South Australia twice today, C Howard with her boy Nike (Ausvarg Dragon Falcore) - Scribble's son - for his two Minor Puppy in Groups in New South Wales, and R&C Seare with Riki (Theldaroy Anyone Dare To Diffa) also with a Minor Puppy in Group in Queensland. The Lappies are making their mark!
Now four years of age, Louis is maturing into such a handsome boy, and it is a great thrill to have both fellow group 5 exhibitors and judges recognise his qualities. The Group 5 ring in Victoria is well known for some spectacularly excellent dogs, and it has always been an enormous privilege each time we are shortlisted amongst them. To be starting to see some wins amongst such a group as well is a real honour!
It was particularly nice to see our the group 5 BIG winner go on to take out Best in Show, giving me an opportunity to showcase our breed in the General Specials ring again.
It was a good day of judging generally, with Louis taking Best of Breed at both shows, and his daughter Taija (Armahani Crystal Cuovgat) being his second and taking the two Runner Up Best of Breeds, with a nice Lappie entry of seven.
In another part of the country, Louis' son Dolce (Ch Armahani Crystal Caibmat) took out Best of Breed, and our beautiful Mischa (Ch Armahani Bloodstone Bilaidit) took out Runner Up Best of Breed at the Canberra Royal. Although Armahani had kind of stacked the odds this year, with only our dogs present for judging, it was lovely to hear the wonderful comments the European judge had to say, including that he believed Mischa was the nicest cream Lappie he had ever seen anywhere! That after saying that, he still hesitated between her and her brother Blaez (Armahani Bloodstone Bajann) for RUBOB is exceptionally encouraging.
All up, it was a great day for Lappies across the country. Warm congratulations go to S Ewenson with her girl Miia (Articmal Chasing Rainbows) who won Australian Bred in Group at another Victorian show, K Thompson with her girl Ella (Findol Fade To Black) awarded Puppy in Group in South Australia twice today, C Howard with her boy Nike (Ausvarg Dragon Falcore) - Scribble's son - for his two Minor Puppy in Groups in New South Wales, and R&C Seare with Riki (Theldaroy Anyone Dare To Diffa) also with a Minor Puppy in Group in Queensland. The Lappies are making their mark!
12 February 2011
Louis is awarded Best in Group

Back into the show ring today, after a quiet six weeks or so. And back with a "pow!" with Louis (Ch C'est Louis Armstrong des Chevaloupsgreg (Imp USA)) going BEST IN GROUP at the Sunshine Kennel Club's 78th Championship Show at the Bulla Exhibition Centre, under judge Mr Glenn Moore (Vic).
This one caught me quite unawares, and I believe my expression was fairly priceless when the judge called us out. After a good period of time of being constantly shortlisted down to the last few with my heart in my throat, it is ironic that it happened almost without me realising!
I'm so very very proud of my beautiful boy, and it was an enormous privilege to represent our breed in the general specials ring for the first time in Lappie showing history here in Victoria!!!
Sincere thanks to our judge Mr Glenn Moore for recognising the qualities of my handsome young boy. And to all of the group 5 exhibitors, both Lappie people and the numerous others, for the big cheer that accompanied his win, and the many congratulations afterward. It is extra special to know that Louis has so many fans ringside, keen to see him do well.
This one caught me quite unawares, and I believe my expression was fairly priceless when the judge called us out. After a good period of time of being constantly shortlisted down to the last few with my heart in my throat, it is ironic that it happened almost without me realising!
I'm so very very proud of my beautiful boy, and it was an enormous privilege to represent our breed in the general specials ring for the first time in Lappie showing history here in Victoria!!!
Sincere thanks to our judge Mr Glenn Moore for recognising the qualities of my handsome young boy. And to all of the group 5 exhibitors, both Lappie people and the numerous others, for the big cheer that accompanied his win, and the many congratulations afterward. It is extra special to know that Louis has so many fans ringside, keen to see him do well.
30 January 2011
Mischa becomes the next Armahani Australian Champion

Another celebration, between ours and the Chouffot/Brassington households tonight, with beautiful Mischa earning the final points needed to now be known as Australian Champion Armahani Bloodstone Bilaidit.
A big cheer for this lovely girl, and her wonderful owners Shareen Chouffot and Glen Brassington. This certainly was a team effort, with the fight for Mischa's show lead meaning she was well experienced in having different handlers!
Mischa is the little cream girl known as Twinkle while she was here, from our litter with Lahti (Ch Armahani Amethyst Apina) and Alaska (Ch Teelikamentten Iikka (Imp Fnl)), making her the first second generation champion for Armahani Kennels.
A big cheer for this lovely girl, and her wonderful owners Shareen Chouffot and Glen Brassington. This certainly was a team effort, with the fight for Mischa's show lead meaning she was well experienced in having different handlers!
Mischa is the little cream girl known as Twinkle while she was here, from our litter with Lahti (Ch Armahani Amethyst Apina) and Alaska (Ch Teelikamentten Iikka (Imp Fnl)), making her the first second generation champion for Armahani Kennels.
29 January 2011
Health results for some of the Armahani kids

It's been a busy time for health testing over the last month, as the Bloodstone and Crystal kids start to hit that time of their lives.
Mischa (Armahani Bloodstone Bilaidit), Dolce (Ch Armahani Crystal Caibmat) and Taija (Armahani Crystal Cuovgat) have all had their hip and elbows scores done. Mischa is a 9/8 in hips, and 0/0 in elbows, Dolce 4/4 in hips and 0/0 in elbows, and Taija 3/8 in hips and 0/0 in elbows. We're just waiting for results back also for Ahti (Armahani Bloodstone Bihci).
Today we had six Lappies in at Animal Eye Care for their annual eye check-ups and certificates, with all clear results. Certificates were renewed for Kulta (Ch Theldaroy Best Treasure CCD HT), Emmi (Ch Lumiturpa Emmi (Imp Fnl)) and Louis (Ch C'est Louis Armstrong des Chevaloupsgreg (Imp USA)), and first annual certificates received for Ahti, Kyla (Armahani Crystal Cearpmat) and Taija.
Mischa (Armahani Bloodstone Bilaidit), Dolce (Ch Armahani Crystal Caibmat) and Taija (Armahani Crystal Cuovgat) have all had their hip and elbows scores done. Mischa is a 9/8 in hips, and 0/0 in elbows, Dolce 4/4 in hips and 0/0 in elbows, and Taija 3/8 in hips and 0/0 in elbows. We're just waiting for results back also for Ahti (Armahani Bloodstone Bihci).
Today we had six Lappies in at Animal Eye Care for their annual eye check-ups and certificates, with all clear results. Certificates were renewed for Kulta (Ch Theldaroy Best Treasure CCD HT), Emmi (Ch Lumiturpa Emmi (Imp Fnl)) and Louis (Ch C'est Louis Armstrong des Chevaloupsgreg (Imp USA)), and first annual certificates received for Ahti, Kyla (Armahani Crystal Cearpmat) and Taija.
3 January 2011
A happy new year with Best Open in Group for Louis

A lovely start to the 2011 year with a show weekend, spending some time with friends at the Kyneton and District Kennel Club Championship Show yesterday and the Historic Maldon Kennel Club Championship Show at the same venue.
Yesterday was pretty special, with our girl Taija (Armahani Crystal Cuovgat), gaining her very first challenge points over her mum Emmi (Ch Lumiturpa Emmi (Imp Fnl)) under judge Mrs N Renwood (Vic). In all her time showing, Emmi had only ever lost the challenge to another female on three occasions, so winning against her is no easy feat. Today we almost thought she was going to do it again under judge Mrs B Doyle (Vic) who commented that Taija is fast coming up behind Emmi.
It was also a great weekend for Louis (Ch C'est Louis Armstrong des Chevaloupsgreg (Imp USA)) who took the Best of Breed and was shortlisted for group at both shows, and was awarded Best Open in Group yesterday.
We don't show a lot over summer, and won't be out for the rest of this month, but it was a lovely start to 2011!
Yesterday was pretty special, with our girl Taija (Armahani Crystal Cuovgat), gaining her very first challenge points over her mum Emmi (Ch Lumiturpa Emmi (Imp Fnl)) under judge Mrs N Renwood (Vic). In all her time showing, Emmi had only ever lost the challenge to another female on three occasions, so winning against her is no easy feat. Today we almost thought she was going to do it again under judge Mrs B Doyle (Vic) who commented that Taija is fast coming up behind Emmi.
It was also a great weekend for Louis (Ch C'est Louis Armstrong des Chevaloupsgreg (Imp USA)) who took the Best of Breed and was shortlisted for group at both shows, and was awarded Best Open in Group yesterday.
We don't show a lot over summer, and won't be out for the rest of this month, but it was a lovely start to 2011!
11 December 2010
Dolce becomes our latest Australian Champion

A big celebration, for the handsome young Dolce today, earning the final points he needed to become Australian Champion Armahani Crystal Caibmat.
We're very proud of Dolce, and his dedicated owners Shareen Chouffot and Glen Brassington, who look after this lovely boy so well and do us proud in the show ring. We're looking forward to seeing the wonderful things this team will continue to accomplish together, both in the show ring and in other pursuits they are keen to try.
Dolce was the only boy in his litter, from Emmi (Ch Lumiturpa Emmi (Imp Fnl)) and Louis (Ch C'est Louis Armstrong des Chevaloupsgreg (Imp USA)) and the first of his litter to earn his title.
We're very proud of Dolce, and his dedicated owners Shareen Chouffot and Glen Brassington, who look after this lovely boy so well and do us proud in the show ring. We're looking forward to seeing the wonderful things this team will continue to accomplish together, both in the show ring and in other pursuits they are keen to try.
Dolce was the only boy in his litter, from Emmi (Ch Lumiturpa Emmi (Imp Fnl)) and Louis (Ch C'est Louis Armstrong des Chevaloupsgreg (Imp USA)) and the first of his litter to earn his title.
9 December 2010
Congratulations to Valkea kennels in the USA with the birth of Alaska pups

We had some exciting news from the USA this morning, with the birth of seven beautiful puppies, to Valkea Snowy Peak "Snowy" of Valkea Kennels, to our boy Alaska (Teelikamentten Iikka (Imp Fnl)). Alaska is co-owned with Vanessa Brotto of Articmal Kennels where he lives with the rest of the Articmal crew.
Alaska's semen was sent over for this litter about six months ago, and we've been waiting anxiously since then for the happy news of a successful litter. It is a great thrill for us to play a small part.
There are three cream pups (two boys and a girl), and four dark pups (three boys and a girl). As Snowy is a masked wolf sable, rather than the masked tanpoint creams we are more used to over here, there is a chance some of the darker pups may turn out wolf sable. It is a little early to tell, but at least one maybe two look to be a possibility.
Congratulations to Donna on her lovely litter!
Alaska's semen was sent over for this litter about six months ago, and we've been waiting anxiously since then for the happy news of a successful litter. It is a great thrill for us to play a small part.
There are three cream pups (two boys and a girl), and four dark pups (three boys and a girl). As Snowy is a masked wolf sable, rather than the masked tanpoint creams we are more used to over here, there is a chance some of the darker pups may turn out wolf sable. It is a little early to tell, but at least one maybe two look to be a possibility.
Congratulations to Donna on her lovely litter!
22 November 2010
Dolce is awarded Best Puppy in Group

A great weekend, with some really nice pieces of news coming our way. Firstly was our beautiful boy Dolce (Armahani Crystal Caibmat) being awarded Puppy in Group at the Belconnen All Breeds Kennel Club Championship Show in Canberra under judge Miss E Brown (Qld) on Saturday.
Dolce is owned and loved by Shareen and Glen, and a huge congratulations is extended to them both, as well as a big thanks for the fantastic job they do looking after this beautiful boy and campaigning him. Dolce is the only boy from the Crystal Litter out of my Emmi (Ch Lumiturpa Emmi (Imp Fnl)) and Louis (Ch C'est Louis Armstrong des Chevaloupsgreg (Imp USA)).
This was followed up my more good news for this little family, with word from Belgium that Louis' dam Jokkaa (Gottorp's Danish Jokkaa) was awarded her Belgian Championship over the weekend! Congratulations to Jokkaa and her owner Nicole!
To cap it off, the first of the health results from our Bloodstone Litter arrived, with hip and elbow scores from Jari (Armahani Bloodstone Balva). Jari is out of Alaska (Ch Teelikamentten Iikka (Imp Fnl)) and Lahti (Ch Armahani Amethyst Apina). We are very happy with some really nice results with a 3/4 hip score and a 0/0 elbow score.
Nice things seem to come in threes!
Dolce is owned and loved by Shareen and Glen, and a huge congratulations is extended to them both, as well as a big thanks for the fantastic job they do looking after this beautiful boy and campaigning him. Dolce is the only boy from the Crystal Litter out of my Emmi (Ch Lumiturpa Emmi (Imp Fnl)) and Louis (Ch C'est Louis Armstrong des Chevaloupsgreg (Imp USA)).
This was followed up my more good news for this little family, with word from Belgium that Louis' dam Jokkaa (Gottorp's Danish Jokkaa) was awarded her Belgian Championship over the weekend! Congratulations to Jokkaa and her owner Nicole!
To cap it off, the first of the health results from our Bloodstone Litter arrived, with hip and elbow scores from Jari (Armahani Bloodstone Balva). Jari is out of Alaska (Ch Teelikamentten Iikka (Imp Fnl)) and Lahti (Ch Armahani Amethyst Apina). We are very happy with some really nice results with a 3/4 hip score and a 0/0 elbow score.
Nice things seem to come in threes!
17 March 2013
Lumi goes Runner Up In Group

Another show debut, one we've been waiting for, with the beautiful Cookie (Armahani Crystal Ceahppi) hitting the ring for the first time in South Australia.
Cookie is 9 months old, and has been concentrating on obedience and foundation agility work so far. Her owner Kellie has just been waiting for the right time to start showing her, and we received the very pleasant surprise today to learn she had enjoyed her first show, coming home with her first challenge points as an extra bonus!
There are a few Lappies hitting the show scene in South Australian now, and we certainly hope both Cookie and her new friends have continued success being ambassadors for our breed.
Congratulations Kellie and Cookie!
Cookie is 9 months old, and has been concentrating on obedience and foundation agility work so far. Her owner Kellie has just been waiting for the right time to start showing her, and we received the very pleasant surprise today to learn she had enjoyed her first show, coming home with her first challenge points as an extra bonus!
There are a few Lappies hitting the show scene in South Australian now, and we certainly hope both Cookie and her new friends have continued success being ambassadors for our breed.
Congratulations Kellie and Cookie!
23 September 2010
Lappies at the Melbourne Royal Show

Royal time again, with another Melbourne Royal Show! This is always a really busy time for both ourselves, the other Victorian breeders and exhibitors, and the various interstate visitors that we are always thrilled to welcome.
It was a record entry, yet again this year, with 25 Finnish Lapphunds entered, and only two of those absent, under Spanish judge Mr Carlos Fernando-Renau. For Armahani it was a particularly exciting occasion, with five of our pups entered. Unfortunately, little Kyla (Armahani Crystal Cearpmat) decided on a very inconvenient time to have her first season, so missed the fun in the ring with her siblings and other relatives.
We’ve had the pleasure of hosting several of our visiting exhibitors and their Lappies at home. It has been a lot of fun with seven adults, and ten dogs enjoying each other’s company! This has included Shareen and Glen with Mischa (Armahani Bloodstone Bilaidit) and Dolce (Armahani Crystal Caibmat) who it was absolutely thrilling to see again for the first time since they left as 8 week old pups.
For the results, well it was a more than exciting outcome, with Armahani almost repeating the clean sweep that was 2008 – with both challenges, Best of Breed, Runner up Best of Breed and Puppy of Breed.
Best of Breed went to my Louis (Ch C’est Louis Armstrong des Chevaloupsgreg (Imp USA)), giving this young boy his first Royal Best of Breed. I couldn’t have been prouder of my baby boy. Runner up Best of Breed went yet again to Emmi (Ch Lumiturpa Emmi (Imp Fnl)), making it the fifth year in a row she has won the challenge and the RUBOB. And, just to keep it in the family, Puppy of Breed went to their daughter Taija (Armahani Crystal Cuovgat) who lives with my friend Cherelle and comes out showing with me on regular occasions. Taija had a competitive field, with seven pups exhibiting, so it was a great thrill to take this prize.
Full results are below:
Dog Challenge – Ch C’est Louis Armstrong des Chevaloupsgreg (Imp USA)
Reserve Dog Challenge – Ch Janoby All About Aslann
Bitch Challenge – Ch Lumiturpa Emmi (Imp Fnl)
Reserve Bitch Challenge – Ch Articmal Dynamic Fortune
Best of Breed – Ch C’est Louis Armstrong des Chevaloupsgreg (Imp USA)
Runner Up Best of Breed – Ch Lumiturpa Emmi (Imp Fnl)
Puppy of Breed – Armahani Crystal Cuovgat
Baby Puppy of Breed – Janoby Ever So Blu
Minor Puppy Dog (1 entry / 0 absent)
1st Sibermoon Kaleui (Paddington)
Puppy Dog (2 entries / 0 absent)
1st Armahani Crystal Caibmat (Dolce)
2nd Armahani Bloodstone Bihci (Ahti)
Junior Dog (1 entry / 0 absent)
1st Watersedge Secret Agent (Larry)
Intermediate Dog (1 entry / 0 absent)
1st Ch Janoby Clear The Way (Bear)
Aus Bred Dog (2 entries / 0 absent)
1st Ch Janoby All About Aslann (Aslann)
2nd Ch Theldaroy Best Treasure CCD HT (Kulta)
Open Dog (4 entries / 0 absent)
1st Ch C’est Louis Armstrong des Chevaloupsgreg (Imp USA) (Louis)
2nd Ch Teelikamentten Iikka (Imp Fnl) (Alaska)
3rd Grand Ch Theldaroy Green With NV (AI) (Magnus)
Baby Puppy Bitch (1 entry / 0 absent)
1st Janoby Ever So Blu (Fable)
Puppy Bitch (6 entries / 1 absent)
1st Armahani Crystal Cuovgat (Taija)
2nd Kalevi Autumn Sunshine (Tarja)
3rd Sibermoon Niina (Niina)
Junior Bitch (2 entries / 1 absent)
1st Theldaroy Great Expectations (Demi)
Intermediate Bitch (2 entries / 0 absent)
1st Ch Articmal Dynamic Fortune (Aurora-Rose)
2nd Ch Magpielane Morning Song FDX (Ahsoka)
Aus Bred Bitch (1 entry / 0 absent)
1st Ch Janoby All About Aura (Roara)
Open Bitch (2 entries / 0 absent)
1st Ch Lumiturpa Emmi (Imp Fnl) (Emmi)
2nd Ch Theldaroy Wild About Me (Kiki)
It was a record entry, yet again this year, with 25 Finnish Lapphunds entered, and only two of those absent, under Spanish judge Mr Carlos Fernando-Renau. For Armahani it was a particularly exciting occasion, with five of our pups entered. Unfortunately, little Kyla (Armahani Crystal Cearpmat) decided on a very inconvenient time to have her first season, so missed the fun in the ring with her siblings and other relatives.
We’ve had the pleasure of hosting several of our visiting exhibitors and their Lappies at home. It has been a lot of fun with seven adults, and ten dogs enjoying each other’s company! This has included Shareen and Glen with Mischa (Armahani Bloodstone Bilaidit) and Dolce (Armahani Crystal Caibmat) who it was absolutely thrilling to see again for the first time since they left as 8 week old pups.
For the results, well it was a more than exciting outcome, with Armahani almost repeating the clean sweep that was 2008 – with both challenges, Best of Breed, Runner up Best of Breed and Puppy of Breed.
Best of Breed went to my Louis (Ch C’est Louis Armstrong des Chevaloupsgreg (Imp USA)), giving this young boy his first Royal Best of Breed. I couldn’t have been prouder of my baby boy. Runner up Best of Breed went yet again to Emmi (Ch Lumiturpa Emmi (Imp Fnl)), making it the fifth year in a row she has won the challenge and the RUBOB. And, just to keep it in the family, Puppy of Breed went to their daughter Taija (Armahani Crystal Cuovgat) who lives with my friend Cherelle and comes out showing with me on regular occasions. Taija had a competitive field, with seven pups exhibiting, so it was a great thrill to take this prize.
Full results are below:
Dog Challenge – Ch C’est Louis Armstrong des Chevaloupsgreg (Imp USA)
Reserve Dog Challenge – Ch Janoby All About Aslann
Bitch Challenge – Ch Lumiturpa Emmi (Imp Fnl)
Reserve Bitch Challenge – Ch Articmal Dynamic Fortune
Best of Breed – Ch C’est Louis Armstrong des Chevaloupsgreg (Imp USA)
Runner Up Best of Breed – Ch Lumiturpa Emmi (Imp Fnl)
Puppy of Breed – Armahani Crystal Cuovgat
Baby Puppy of Breed – Janoby Ever So Blu
Minor Puppy Dog (1 entry / 0 absent)
1st Sibermoon Kaleui (Paddington)
Puppy Dog (2 entries / 0 absent)
1st Armahani Crystal Caibmat (Dolce)
2nd Armahani Bloodstone Bihci (Ahti)
Junior Dog (1 entry / 0 absent)
1st Watersedge Secret Agent (Larry)
Intermediate Dog (1 entry / 0 absent)
1st Ch Janoby Clear The Way (Bear)
Aus Bred Dog (2 entries / 0 absent)
1st Ch Janoby All About Aslann (Aslann)
2nd Ch Theldaroy Best Treasure CCD HT (Kulta)
Open Dog (4 entries / 0 absent)
1st Ch C’est Louis Armstrong des Chevaloupsgreg (Imp USA) (Louis)
2nd Ch Teelikamentten Iikka (Imp Fnl) (Alaska)
3rd Grand Ch Theldaroy Green With NV (AI) (Magnus)
Baby Puppy Bitch (1 entry / 0 absent)
1st Janoby Ever So Blu (Fable)
Puppy Bitch (6 entries / 1 absent)
1st Armahani Crystal Cuovgat (Taija)
2nd Kalevi Autumn Sunshine (Tarja)
3rd Sibermoon Niina (Niina)
Junior Bitch (2 entries / 1 absent)
1st Theldaroy Great Expectations (Demi)
Intermediate Bitch (2 entries / 0 absent)
1st Ch Articmal Dynamic Fortune (Aurora-Rose)
2nd Ch Magpielane Morning Song FDX (Ahsoka)
Aus Bred Bitch (1 entry / 0 absent)
1st Ch Janoby All About Aura (Roara)
Open Bitch (2 entries / 0 absent)
1st Ch Lumiturpa Emmi (Imp Fnl) (Emmi)
2nd Ch Theldaroy Wild About Me (Kiki)
18 September 2010
Fun at another FLCV walk and picnic

Today we attended another of the Finnish Lapphund Club of Victoria's regular Lappie Walks and Picnics, this one held at Albert Park. These are always great days, catching up with old friends, meeting new ones, seeing new puppies our and about, and watching how others have grown.
It was a great turn out this time around, with lots of old and new faces. There were even three pups from a recent Janoby Kennel litter, and three pups from a recent Kalevi Kennels litter, all catching up with their siblings!
For ourselves, it was lovely to catch up with Katrikki (Armahani Amethyst Albmi) and Kirra (Armahani Crystal Cumma) and their families. It was been a while since I’ve seen Katrikki, so it was very exciting to see how breathtakingly beautiful she is!
More photos can be seen on the FLCV web site.
It was a great turn out this time around, with lots of old and new faces. There were even three pups from a recent Janoby Kennel litter, and three pups from a recent Kalevi Kennels litter, all catching up with their siblings!
For ourselves, it was lovely to catch up with Katrikki (Armahani Amethyst Albmi) and Kirra (Armahani Crystal Cumma) and their families. It was been a while since I’ve seen Katrikki, so it was very exciting to see how breathtakingly beautiful she is!
More photos can be seen on the FLCV web site.
7 August 2010
Louis goes Open in Group and Taija goes Minor in Group

It was a very exciting day for me today with Louis (Ch C'est Louis Armstrong des Chevaloupsgreg (Imp USA)) and his 8 month old daughter Taija (Armahani Crystal Cuovgat) doing a hat-trick together at the Ladies Kennel Association Championship Show at KCC Park under NSW judge Ms C Stuart.
To be awarded two classes in group in the one show, for our beautiful but still rare breed, is a very special honour indeed - and lovely for it to be a family occasion. Taija was awarded Best Minor Puppy in Group and Louis, after having being shortlisted down for to the final three for Best in Group earlier, was awarded Best Open in Group.
We've been largely out of the ring over the last couple of months, and this was Taija's first show in around 10 weeks, so her first out of Baby Puppy. Given the very little training we get to do together - mostly at shows - I was a little worried if she would remember anything. But she is such a little star and was still very happy strutting her stuff after multiple times in the ring today.
Taija is the second of the Crystal litter to be awarded her first class in group, with brother Dolce also being awarded a Minor Puppy in Group recently. Their very pretty cream sister Kyla has also been making her mark in the ring, earning her first challenge recently.
Congratulations and thanks also to Taija's mum Cherelle, who takes such special care of this beautiful little girl, and lets me steal her away so often!
To be awarded two classes in group in the one show, for our beautiful but still rare breed, is a very special honour indeed - and lovely for it to be a family occasion. Taija was awarded Best Minor Puppy in Group and Louis, after having being shortlisted down for to the final three for Best in Group earlier, was awarded Best Open in Group.
We've been largely out of the ring over the last couple of months, and this was Taija's first show in around 10 weeks, so her first out of Baby Puppy. Given the very little training we get to do together - mostly at shows - I was a little worried if she would remember anything. But she is such a little star and was still very happy strutting her stuff after multiple times in the ring today.
Taija is the second of the Crystal litter to be awarded her first class in group, with brother Dolce also being awarded a Minor Puppy in Group recently. Their very pretty cream sister Kyla has also been making her mark in the ring, earning her first challenge recently.
Congratulations and thanks also to Taija's mum Cherelle, who takes such special care of this beautiful little girl, and lets me steal her away so often!
14 June 2010
A great day at the Victorian Spitz Breeds Club championship show

A lovely day today at the Victorian Spitz Breeds Club annual championship show. This is usually a big day for the Lappies here in Victoria, and this year was no exception with an entry of 18, and only 4 absent. It was made extra special with a few brand new exhibits and their brand new handlers. It is so lovely to see new people out there showing our beautiful breed.
It was a first for Ahti, and his owner Melissa, out for the first time. I was very proud to handle Ahti in his class, although Melissa took over for the first time in the dog challenge line up and will be the one to handle him normally. He did her proud, taking out Minor Puppy of Breed. It must have bene quite an unusual sight, having two cream Lappies for a run-off, as Kyla had also won her class, so Ahti was in there competing with his little "auntie" for the minor puppy run-off.
Kulta did us very proud by taking the dog challenge. At 7 years of age, and officially a veteran :-), Kulta only comes out now for these special occasions, and he sure made it clear he's still capable of making his mark. But it was Emmi's show, taking the Best of Breed this year, and earning her highest challenge to date. The Spitz show has always been a good one for Emmi. Her first in 2006 she was Runner up of Breed and Best Junior in Show, in 2007 Best of Breed and Intermediate in Show, in 2008 Runner up Best of Breed, in 2009 she took a break to make way for her daughter Lahti who was Best of Breed in her place, and now in 2010 another Best of Breed. She sure does make me proud and feeling very lucky to have her!
It was a first for Ahti, and his owner Melissa, out for the first time. I was very proud to handle Ahti in his class, although Melissa took over for the first time in the dog challenge line up and will be the one to handle him normally. He did her proud, taking out Minor Puppy of Breed. It must have bene quite an unusual sight, having two cream Lappies for a run-off, as Kyla had also won her class, so Ahti was in there competing with his little "auntie" for the minor puppy run-off.
Kulta did us very proud by taking the dog challenge. At 7 years of age, and officially a veteran :-), Kulta only comes out now for these special occasions, and he sure made it clear he's still capable of making his mark. But it was Emmi's show, taking the Best of Breed this year, and earning her highest challenge to date. The Spitz show has always been a good one for Emmi. Her first in 2006 she was Runner up of Breed and Best Junior in Show, in 2007 Best of Breed and Intermediate in Show, in 2008 Runner up Best of Breed, in 2009 she took a break to make way for her daughter Lahti who was Best of Breed in her place, and now in 2010 another Best of Breed. She sure does make me proud and feeling very lucky to have her!
12 June 2010
Dolce is awarded Minor Puppy in Group

Quite the milestone today for Armahani, with the first of our babies to earn a class in group award in the Aussie showring. The accolade went to the lovely young Dolce (Armahani Crystal Caibmat), Emmi and Louis' six month son, earning Minor Puppy in Group at the ACT Ladies Kennel Club Championship Show under NSW judge Mrs C Mulcahy.
It was also a first class in group for his co-owners and loving carers Shareen and Glen. Let's hope it is the first of many achievements to come.
Dolce is a lovely solid young man, with a lot of both of his parents shining through, including his dad's "mummy's boy" tendancies LOL. We're very very proud of him here Armahani and expect him to do great things.
Congratulations Dolce, Shareen and Glen!
It was also a first class in group for his co-owners and loving carers Shareen and Glen. Let's hope it is the first of many achievements to come.
Dolce is a lovely solid young man, with a lot of both of his parents shining through, including his dad's "mummy's boy" tendancies LOL. We're very very proud of him here Armahani and expect him to do great things.
Congratulations Dolce, Shareen and Glen!
2 June 2010
Vale Memphis - Sugarok Southern Sensation

It is with a very heavy heart that I share the news of the sad loss of our beautiful boy Memphis (Sugarok Southern Sensation).
Tragically, Memphis suffered from a severe seizure on Monday night, of unknown cause, which took a very long time for the vets to get under control. Despite the best of care over the last few days, it became clear that the strength and severity of the seizure meant that he had been quite badly and permantely brain damanged.
Our sympathies also go to those who Memphis has lived with and been loved by, Vanessa, Sarah, David, and of course his breeders Linda and Stephen. Sometimes life can be cruel and unfair, and yet the times and precious memories of Memphis show that life can also be full of joys.
Tragically, Memphis suffered from a severe seizure on Monday night, of unknown cause, which took a very long time for the vets to get under control. Despite the best of care over the last few days, it became clear that the strength and severity of the seizure meant that he had been quite badly and permantely brain damanged.
Our sympathies also go to those who Memphis has lived with and been loved by, Vanessa, Sarah, David, and of course his breeders Linda and Stephen. Sometimes life can be cruel and unfair, and yet the times and precious memories of Memphis show that life can also be full of joys.
30 May 2010
Celebrating little American grand-puppies

A lovely celebration for Armahani Kennels, and for Calaban Kennels in the USA, with the birth of Tanssija's (UKC Ch Armahani Amethyst Aatto) beautiful babies just a few days ago to the handsome Pilgrim (UKC Grand Ch Lecibsin Kumppani).
This is Tanssija's first litter and we are going to be very excited to see how they develop. She has three girls and three boys, although sadly the tiny first born girl, although struggling for a few days, didn't end up making it. She is now a little guardian puppy in heaven watching over her beautiful and healthy siblings who are all doing well.
Congratulations to Kit, from Calaban Kennels, and to all the excited puppy buyers waiting in the wings. We are thrilled to be in a small way part of your family!
This is Tanssija's first litter and we are going to be very excited to see how they develop. She has three girls and three boys, although sadly the tiny first born girl, although struggling for a few days, didn't end up making it. She is now a little guardian puppy in heaven watching over her beautiful and healthy siblings who are all doing well.
Congratulations to Kit, from Calaban Kennels, and to all the excited puppy buyers waiting in the wings. We are thrilled to be in a small way part of your family!
2 May 2010
A family visit with Jari and Lahti

We had a different, but very lovely day today, paying a visit to Lahti and her family, where Jari and his family had come up to play for the day.
Lahti (Ch Armahani Ametheyst Apina) is from our Amethyst litter, so is Kulta (Ch Theldaroy Best Treasure CCD HT)) and Emmi's (Ch Lumiturpa Emmi (Imp Fnl)) daughter. And Jari (Armahani Bloodstone Balva) is her son from our Bloodstone litter. So we had a three generation get-together, which was lots of fun.
Kulta thought his grandson was pretty special, a fact I'm sure was enhanced by the very polite Jari showing the utmost of grandsonly submission :-). He followed him around playing with him through most of the visit. Emmi, who is far lass tolerant of youngsters, wasn't quite so impressed. No Jari, I know your mum lets you steal bones directly out of her mouth, but grandma just doesn't put up with that kind of behaviour!
It was just lovely to see this beautiful and special boy, who always had our hearts, and who is still gentle and far more well-behaved than I had been led to believe :-)
Lahti (Ch Armahani Ametheyst Apina) is from our Amethyst litter, so is Kulta (Ch Theldaroy Best Treasure CCD HT)) and Emmi's (Ch Lumiturpa Emmi (Imp Fnl)) daughter. And Jari (Armahani Bloodstone Balva) is her son from our Bloodstone litter. So we had a three generation get-together, which was lots of fun.
Kulta thought his grandson was pretty special, a fact I'm sure was enhanced by the very polite Jari showing the utmost of grandsonly submission :-). He followed him around playing with him through most of the visit. Emmi, who is far lass tolerant of youngsters, wasn't quite so impressed. No Jari, I know your mum lets you steal bones directly out of her mouth, but grandma just doesn't put up with that kind of behaviour!
It was just lovely to see this beautiful and special boy, who always had our hearts, and who is still gentle and far more well-behaved than I had been led to believe :-)
27 March 2010
Kyla has her show debut
It sure has been a time of show debuts. This time it was Kyla's (Armahani Crystal Cearpmat)'s turn. Kyla is our little cream girl from Emmi and Louis' litter, and the prettiest thing imaginable.
Today she joined Taija in the ring, although only after this sister combination had taken the opportunity to catch up with some serious ring-side play.
Thank you to Helen for showing Kyla today for her debut, while owner Michelle handled the video camera. We're sure Michelle will be next into the ring, once she's got over those first time nerves!
Today she joined Taija in the ring, although only after this sister combination had taken the opportunity to catch up with some serious ring-side play.
Thank you to Helen for showing Kyla today for her debut, while owner Michelle handled the video camera. We're sure Michelle will be next into the ring, once she's got over those first time nerves!
21 March 2010
Quito has her show debut

In Sydney this time, and it was time for little Quito (Armahani Crystal Cappat) to have her show debut.
This very cute and cheeky little girl had us on the edge of our seats waiting to hear what mischief she got up to into the ring. Decriptions of her practice sessions, from her owner and handler Liz, had a number of us laughing quite loudly, as we reassured Liz of first time horror stories of our own.
Well, imagine my surprise today, to hear that Quito took to the ring like a pro, strutting around perfectly with not a step wrong. I hear that the other first timer on the other end of the lead did an amazing job too!
Congratulations Liz and Quito!
This very cute and cheeky little girl had us on the edge of our seats waiting to hear what mischief she got up to into the ring. Decriptions of her practice sessions, from her owner and handler Liz, had a number of us laughing quite loudly, as we reassured Liz of first time horror stories of our own.
Well, imagine my surprise today, to hear that Quito took to the ring like a pro, strutting around perfectly with not a step wrong. I hear that the other first timer on the other end of the lead did an amazing job too!
Congratulations Liz and Quito!
14 March 2010
Taija's show debut and a lappie picnic

Yesterday it was my turn to be out there with a new baby, taking little Taija (Armahani Crystal Cuovgat) out to her first show. What fun we had, with Taija being as good as gold all day, and enjoying herself in the ring, with some lovely comments from the judge. I am really looking forward to showing her off over the coming months. It has been a long time since I have had a baby to show, so it should be lot of fun.
Today was the Finnish Lapphund Club of Victoria's Lappie Picnic, held in the Botanical Gardens in Melbourne. It was a blissful day, with lovely weather in gorgeous surrounds, and great to catch up with friends - both human and canine. As well as Taija, we were joined by two other Armahani babies for their first picnic - Kyla (Armahani Crystal Cearpmat) and the lovely Ahti (Armahani Bloodstone Bihci) who I was very excited to see for the first time since he left home at 8 weeks of age.
Today was also Kulta's (Ch Theldaroy Best Treasure CCD HT) birthday. Amazing to believe it has been 7 years since my beautiful man came into my life and headed me down my current path. Kulta is my first Lappie and has won many a heart to his breed.
Today was the Finnish Lapphund Club of Victoria's Lappie Picnic, held in the Botanical Gardens in Melbourne. It was a blissful day, with lovely weather in gorgeous surrounds, and great to catch up with friends - both human and canine. As well as Taija, we were joined by two other Armahani babies for their first picnic - Kyla (Armahani Crystal Cearpmat) and the lovely Ahti (Armahani Bloodstone Bihci) who I was very excited to see for the first time since he left home at 8 weeks of age.
Today was also Kulta's (Ch Theldaroy Best Treasure CCD HT) birthday. Amazing to believe it has been 7 years since my beautiful man came into my life and headed me down my current path. Kulta is my first Lappie and has won many a heart to his breed.
6 March 2010
Blaez and Dolce have their show debuts
More show debuts today with the boys Blaez (Armahani Bloodstone Bajann) and Dolce (Armahani Crystal Caibmat) hitting the ring for the first time. Congratulations to Janet with Blaez, who is almost five months old and Shareen and Glen with Dolce, just turned three months.
It was Blaez's turn to be the winner today, taking baby of breed over Dolce and his sister Mischa (Armahani Bloodstone Bilaidit). I'm sure all three babies will do their owners proud over the coming years and look forward to hearing all of their news.
While on that side of the country our babies were shining, news in Melbourne wasn't so good. A freak thunder storm resulted in poor little Kirra (Armahani Crystal Cumma) being hit by a large hailstone, which tragically broke her leg. This poor darling will be having surgery tomorrow, and although the prognosis is good for a full recovery, her parents are understandably quite distraught. We wish Kirra a very speedy recovery.
While we are on the sad news, many of you may be wondering by now what ended up happening to Kulta's babies due in early February. Sadly, none of the babies made it. It was a very tragic time, particularly for their breeder, and our sympathies are still with them.
Some positive news during the week, however, with Mitch (Armahani Amethyst Armo) receiving a clear eye certificate.
It was Blaez's turn to be the winner today, taking baby of breed over Dolce and his sister Mischa (Armahani Bloodstone Bilaidit). I'm sure all three babies will do their owners proud over the coming years and look forward to hearing all of their news.
While on that side of the country our babies were shining, news in Melbourne wasn't so good. A freak thunder storm resulted in poor little Kirra (Armahani Crystal Cumma) being hit by a large hailstone, which tragically broke her leg. This poor darling will be having surgery tomorrow, and although the prognosis is good for a full recovery, her parents are understandably quite distraught. We wish Kirra a very speedy recovery.
While we are on the sad news, many of you may be wondering by now what ended up happening to Kulta's babies due in early February. Sadly, none of the babies made it. It was a very tragic time, particularly for their breeder, and our sympathies are still with them.
Some positive news during the week, however, with Mitch (Armahani Amethyst Armo) receiving a clear eye certificate.
31 January 2010
Mischa has her show debut

A big congratulations to Shareen, Glen and Mischa (Armahani Bloodstone Bilaidit) today on her show debut!
Showing was always going to be Shareen's new hobby, but Glen has fallen truly in love with his little girl, and with Dolce soon to be hitting the ring as well, Mischa has been claimed as his to handle.
I got a very excited phone call from Shareen today, thrilled to pieces with how brand new baby Mischa and brand new handler Glen had done in the ring. Both were apparently like ducks to water and Mischa hardly took a step wrong.
Good luck to this new team in the future. I'm sure there will be plenty of successes to come!
Showing was always going to be Shareen's new hobby, but Glen has fallen truly in love with his little girl, and with Dolce soon to be hitting the ring as well, Mischa has been claimed as his to handle.
I got a very excited phone call from Shareen today, thrilled to pieces with how brand new baby Mischa and brand new handler Glen had done in the ring. Both were apparently like ducks to water and Mischa hardly took a step wrong.
Good luck to this new team in the future. I'm sure there will be plenty of successes to come!
29 January 2010
Goodbye to Cookie and Myrre

The very last of the Crystal babies sadly left me tonight, with a trip to the airport to farewell the last of the girls who were flying off to their new homes. Always stressful at the best of times, I must remember never to book puppies on Friday flights again, with both flights (on two different airlines with two different destinations) managing to be delayed by more than an hour. Luckily both girls have arrived home safely and I can get some sleep.
Little Cookie (previously known as Mistletoe), who is registered as Armahani Crystal Ceahppi ("clever" in Sami) was the first to be dropped off to head to her home in Adelaide. Cookie was the girl that over the last few weeks almost everyone has picked out in their photos. She has the most beautiful outline, with a lot of Louis about her shape and structure, including his gorgeous legth of neck, and the prettiest little face that just sucks you in. I think she will be a simply stunning little girl. In attitude there is a lot about Louis in her also. She is one of those little pups who just will not be picked on by the bigger kids, and is determined to put them in their place. This reminds me so much of Louis when I first met him, playing with his bigger sister Ciowa and best mate Pilgrim, that I haven't been able to help but laugh at her.
She goes to live with Kellie in Adelaide and Shadow the Siberian Husky. There she will mainly concentrate on an agility career, but will also do a bit of showing in the South Australian ring.
So that left one very very special little girl Myrre (previously known as Noelle), also known as Armahani Crystal Ciegus ("secret" in Sami), aka "the nutter", "the mad one", "the crazy one." I cannot even begin to describe how very very funny this little girl is. Imagine a little puppy filled with joy. Then imagine the joy levels tripling so they all spill out in every direction. That is Myrre. The craziest, speediest, funniest, most joyful puppy imaginable. She has made me laugh every single day. I can never decide who she takes after the most. She is a lot like Emmi to look at, with her face and expressions. And I always thought her craziness must be pure Loony-Louis. But it was only sitting here tonight thinking "oh I miss that crazy little girl" that I realised I had heard those words many many times when Emmi was first here, from her first owner Johanna in Finland, every time she would reply to one of my updates.
Myrre is going all the way to Queensland, so I will have reason to miss her. But there she is to be truly at home, living with Anne and Janne who can teach her all about her home-country! They emigrated to Australia from Finland a few years ago, along with their two dogs, including Lappie Doris, who was from Lumiturpa Kennels in Finland, like my Emmi. Doris was distantly related to Emmi, and when she died of old age earlier this year, Anne and Janne longed for one of her relatives to fill the hole she had left in their life. So Myrre heads to them to be their much loved companion, as well as a future obedience trial ring star (and any other dog sport she turns her paw to). I'm sure she will do a fantastic job.
So Emmi, Louis and I sit her tonight in the deathly quiet, wondering what to do with ourselves. We will miss our babies, but wish their new owners so much fun and joy with them, and look forward to the photos and updates as they grow.
Little Cookie (previously known as Mistletoe), who is registered as Armahani Crystal Ceahppi ("clever" in Sami) was the first to be dropped off to head to her home in Adelaide. Cookie was the girl that over the last few weeks almost everyone has picked out in their photos. She has the most beautiful outline, with a lot of Louis about her shape and structure, including his gorgeous legth of neck, and the prettiest little face that just sucks you in. I think she will be a simply stunning little girl. In attitude there is a lot about Louis in her also. She is one of those little pups who just will not be picked on by the bigger kids, and is determined to put them in their place. This reminds me so much of Louis when I first met him, playing with his bigger sister Ciowa and best mate Pilgrim, that I haven't been able to help but laugh at her.
She goes to live with Kellie in Adelaide and Shadow the Siberian Husky. There she will mainly concentrate on an agility career, but will also do a bit of showing in the South Australian ring.
So that left one very very special little girl Myrre (previously known as Noelle), also known as Armahani Crystal Ciegus ("secret" in Sami), aka "the nutter", "the mad one", "the crazy one." I cannot even begin to describe how very very funny this little girl is. Imagine a little puppy filled with joy. Then imagine the joy levels tripling so they all spill out in every direction. That is Myrre. The craziest, speediest, funniest, most joyful puppy imaginable. She has made me laugh every single day. I can never decide who she takes after the most. She is a lot like Emmi to look at, with her face and expressions. And I always thought her craziness must be pure Loony-Louis. But it was only sitting here tonight thinking "oh I miss that crazy little girl" that I realised I had heard those words many many times when Emmi was first here, from her first owner Johanna in Finland, every time she would reply to one of my updates.
Myrre is going all the way to Queensland, so I will have reason to miss her. But there she is to be truly at home, living with Anne and Janne who can teach her all about her home-country! They emigrated to Australia from Finland a few years ago, along with their two dogs, including Lappie Doris, who was from Lumiturpa Kennels in Finland, like my Emmi. Doris was distantly related to Emmi, and when she died of old age earlier this year, Anne and Janne longed for one of her relatives to fill the hole she had left in their life. So Myrre heads to them to be their much loved companion, as well as a future obedience trial ring star (and any other dog sport she turns her paw to). I'm sure she will do a fantastic job.
So Emmi, Louis and I sit her tonight in the deathly quiet, wondering what to do with ourselves. We will miss our babies, but wish their new owners so much fun and joy with them, and look forward to the photos and updates as they grow.
27 January 2010
Goodbye to Dolce and Kirra

Some more goodbye's today for the Crystal babies. This afternoon saw me drive to Melbourne airport with little Dolce (previously known as St Nick), our only little boy, who has the registered name Armahani Crystal Caibmat ("to laugh" in Sami). This very very funny and very very irresistible little boy is such a character. There was never any mistaking that he was the boy in the litter, with such a masculine way about him, strutting around like a little man. With a solid little body, a beautiful head, and a lovely combination of both Emmi and Louis' best points, I am so looking forward to seeing how he turns out.
Dolce goes to live just out of the ACT with Shareen and Glen, although will stay in co-ownership with me. They were always planning on a boy out of this litter, and it was more last minute that they decided to look for two puppies. So Dolce also goes to live with Mischa (Armahani Bloodstone Bilaidit) from my last litter, and I'm sure these two will become the best of friends.
I've always been quite drawn to Dolce, but it was sometime over the last week that I seriously fell in love with him and started to wonder how I was going to let him go. A combination of that and him being my first airport drop off in a while, and I was more than a little hysterical at the airport tonight as I said goodbye. Leaning forward to say goodbye to him in his crate, a little puppy kiss on my nose through one of the holes, and I was a complete mess. Poor Shareen could probably hardly make out a word as I rang to let her know her was on his way.
And then I had to rush home for more goodbyes, as little Kirra's (previously known as Holly) owners came to pick up their little girl, who is registered as Armahani Crystal Cumma ("kiss" is Sami). Holly lives up to her name, with puppy kisses on your nose her extra speciality. A simply beautiful little girl, it was no secret she was the easy favourite of a breeder friend of mine, who hinted to keep her a number of times. Beautifully compact, with a lovely lovely head, gorgeous rear angles, nice low hocks, and big attitude in that little body - she has always been hard to look past.
She stays in Melbourne, to live with Brett and Belle, who already love her to pieces. There is some video footage that Belle took when they visited when the pups when about five weeks old, and it was only after I offered them this little girl that they looked back and realised it was their girl that Brett was cuddling! Brett is hoping to get into lots of interesting doggie activities with Kirra, and she will hopefully make it our in the show ring here in Melbourne with us.
So tonight only two little girls are left with me. There is a couple of more days to enjoy them before they leave me on Friday, so I am planning on it being a time of lots of puppy cuddles before the tears start again.
Dolce goes to live just out of the ACT with Shareen and Glen, although will stay in co-ownership with me. They were always planning on a boy out of this litter, and it was more last minute that they decided to look for two puppies. So Dolce also goes to live with Mischa (Armahani Bloodstone Bilaidit) from my last litter, and I'm sure these two will become the best of friends.
I've always been quite drawn to Dolce, but it was sometime over the last week that I seriously fell in love with him and started to wonder how I was going to let him go. A combination of that and him being my first airport drop off in a while, and I was more than a little hysterical at the airport tonight as I said goodbye. Leaning forward to say goodbye to him in his crate, a little puppy kiss on my nose through one of the holes, and I was a complete mess. Poor Shareen could probably hardly make out a word as I rang to let her know her was on his way.
And then I had to rush home for more goodbyes, as little Kirra's (previously known as Holly) owners came to pick up their little girl, who is registered as Armahani Crystal Cumma ("kiss" is Sami). Holly lives up to her name, with puppy kisses on your nose her extra speciality. A simply beautiful little girl, it was no secret she was the easy favourite of a breeder friend of mine, who hinted to keep her a number of times. Beautifully compact, with a lovely lovely head, gorgeous rear angles, nice low hocks, and big attitude in that little body - she has always been hard to look past.
She stays in Melbourne, to live with Brett and Belle, who already love her to pieces. There is some video footage that Belle took when they visited when the pups when about five weeks old, and it was only after I offered them this little girl that they looked back and realised it was their girl that Brett was cuddling! Brett is hoping to get into lots of interesting doggie activities with Kirra, and she will hopefully make it our in the show ring here in Melbourne with us.
So tonight only two little girls are left with me. There is a couple of more days to enjoy them before they leave me on Friday, so I am planning on it being a time of lots of puppy cuddles before the tears start again.
26 January 2010
Goodbye to Taija, Kyla and Quito

The goodbye's have started already for the Crystal babies! It has very hard to believe that eight weeks has gone already. This has been such a fun litter to raise, and I am going to miss each and every one of them very much.
The first to leave us this morning was Kyla (previously known as Snowflake) our little surprise cream girl, registered as Armahani Crystal Cearpmat ("reindeer calf" in Sami). Kyla is such a special girl. Not only very beautiful, with the most gorgeous fluffy coat, and stand out breed type, but also the most special little soul. A lovely stable girl, she is fun-loving and playful, while having this incredible sweetness that draws in everyone who meets her. She is just heart meltingly delicious. So found Michelle when she met her for the first time. Michelle was sure she was after a black and tan boy to be her partner in doggie activities. It didn't take too long, however, for Kyla to convince her that she was the perfect dog she was after, and in turn she was very successful in convincing me that her and Kyla were destined to be together.
Kyla is not gone completely, she stays in co-ownership with me, and we hope to be supporting Michelle around the Melbourne show rings with her. As well as showing, Kyla will have a strong foundation in obedience, perhaps some tracking in the future, and Michelle hopes to have her be a Delta dog as well.
Second to go was my heart girl Taija (previously known as Star), my "favourite but don't tell the others" girl, who is registered as Armahani Crystal Cuovgat ("to shine" in Sami). I haven't been able to resist this gorgeous pup since the very early days of them starting to interact with me, when I would get these gazes of intense adoration. Who can deny a pup who, when you lie outside with them all, just crawls onto your chest and gazes lovingly at you in the most intense way. Taija and I have spent many a time with her just cuddled close to me.
A confident and spunky girl, with just gorgeous confirmation, I was secretly just thrilled when my helpful assessors picked her out as the one I should keep. So, Taija makes her home with my friend Cherelle, and her Lappie boy Willoughby, to be much loved and cherished. She is co-owned with me, and I will be showing her here in Melbourne. I am really hopeful for lots of great things from my precious "Star".
Then this afternoon left the lovely Quito (previously known as Angel), the girl that caught everyone's attention with those huge big markings from birth, and who is registered as Armahani Crystal Cappat (pretty in Sami). Quito lives up to her name by being breathtakingly beautiful. One of the bigger girls, she has a lot of Louis in her face, but I suspect may end up being incredibly similar looking as Emmi as she grows. She is also a very funny, very playful, very confident, very cheeky, and rather naughty puppy. Mmmm, more and more like Emmi all the time.
Liz and Keith have been waiting a long time for their Emmi and Louis baby. I suspect they found it hard to look past little Angel all along, and were rather pleased when I was able to offer her to them. They arrived from Sydney yesterday to meet the pups and stay the night, and we had a lovely time last night eating, drinking, playing with pups and talking all things Lappie. It has been wonderful to meet some new friends. Nasty new friends, of course, who then steal one of my babies away from me! Quito flew back to Sydney with them this afternoon. Liz is hoping to get her into the show ring over there when she builds up the courage, and I hope they have a fun with this wicked little character.
So that leaves me with just four little darlings this evening, and the house seems very very quiet, and I'm sure will get quieter still over the next couple of days.
We wish our beautiful girls all the best in their new homes, and their families plenty of love and joy with their new babies.
The first to leave us this morning was Kyla (previously known as Snowflake) our little surprise cream girl, registered as Armahani Crystal Cearpmat ("reindeer calf" in Sami). Kyla is such a special girl. Not only very beautiful, with the most gorgeous fluffy coat, and stand out breed type, but also the most special little soul. A lovely stable girl, she is fun-loving and playful, while having this incredible sweetness that draws in everyone who meets her. She is just heart meltingly delicious. So found Michelle when she met her for the first time. Michelle was sure she was after a black and tan boy to be her partner in doggie activities. It didn't take too long, however, for Kyla to convince her that she was the perfect dog she was after, and in turn she was very successful in convincing me that her and Kyla were destined to be together.
Kyla is not gone completely, she stays in co-ownership with me, and we hope to be supporting Michelle around the Melbourne show rings with her. As well as showing, Kyla will have a strong foundation in obedience, perhaps some tracking in the future, and Michelle hopes to have her be a Delta dog as well.
Second to go was my heart girl Taija (previously known as Star), my "favourite but don't tell the others" girl, who is registered as Armahani Crystal Cuovgat ("to shine" in Sami). I haven't been able to resist this gorgeous pup since the very early days of them starting to interact with me, when I would get these gazes of intense adoration. Who can deny a pup who, when you lie outside with them all, just crawls onto your chest and gazes lovingly at you in the most intense way. Taija and I have spent many a time with her just cuddled close to me.
A confident and spunky girl, with just gorgeous confirmation, I was secretly just thrilled when my helpful assessors picked her out as the one I should keep. So, Taija makes her home with my friend Cherelle, and her Lappie boy Willoughby, to be much loved and cherished. She is co-owned with me, and I will be showing her here in Melbourne. I am really hopeful for lots of great things from my precious "Star".
Then this afternoon left the lovely Quito (previously known as Angel), the girl that caught everyone's attention with those huge big markings from birth, and who is registered as Armahani Crystal Cappat (pretty in Sami). Quito lives up to her name by being breathtakingly beautiful. One of the bigger girls, she has a lot of Louis in her face, but I suspect may end up being incredibly similar looking as Emmi as she grows. She is also a very funny, very playful, very confident, very cheeky, and rather naughty puppy. Mmmm, more and more like Emmi all the time.
Liz and Keith have been waiting a long time for their Emmi and Louis baby. I suspect they found it hard to look past little Angel all along, and were rather pleased when I was able to offer her to them. They arrived from Sydney yesterday to meet the pups and stay the night, and we had a lovely time last night eating, drinking, playing with pups and talking all things Lappie. It has been wonderful to meet some new friends. Nasty new friends, of course, who then steal one of my babies away from me! Quito flew back to Sydney with them this afternoon. Liz is hoping to get her into the show ring over there when she builds up the courage, and I hope they have a fun with this wicked little character.
So that leaves me with just four little darlings this evening, and the house seems very very quiet, and I'm sure will get quieter still over the next couple of days.
We wish our beautiful girls all the best in their new homes, and their families plenty of love and joy with their new babies.
20 January 2010
Great news for Tanssija in America

Well I got some lovely, thrilling news today, with the final hip and elbow clearences from Tanssija (UKC Ch Armahani Amethyst Aatto) arriving from the USA. I am very pleased that she was graded an Excellent by the OFA and her elbows are all normal.
Waiting for health results is scary enough when the babies are here in Australia. Waiting on the ones from the lovely girl you have exported to be part of another county's breeding program is excruciating! I am extrememly happy for Tanssija's owner Kit Brillinger of Calaban Kennels with these great results.
Tanssija will hopefully have her first litter later in the year, and we look forward to seeing beautiful baby photos.
Waiting for health results is scary enough when the babies are here in Australia. Waiting on the ones from the lovely girl you have exported to be part of another county's breeding program is excruciating! I am extrememly happy for Tanssija's owner Kit Brillinger of Calaban Kennels with these great results.
Tanssija will hopefully have her first litter later in the year, and we look forward to seeing beautiful baby photos.
3 January 2010
Mitch has his show debut

Well it isn't that usual that a two year old dog is being congratulated for his first time in the show ring. But today the young Mitch (Armahani Amethyst Armo) hit the ring for the first time, gaining his first challenge points.
It has been a little while now since we decided to let Mitch have a go in the ring, but a new baby in his family has delayed his first attempt. While his parents are away in the USA for holidays, the mice have come out to play .... with temporary carer Nik Boyd aptly handling him for his show debut!
Congratulations to Mitch, parents Mary Frances and Mark, and handler Nik, who will continue to handle Mitch in the Syndey show ring for a little while until Mary Frances gains enough confidence to take over the lead! An event which I'm sure won't be too far away.
It has been a little while now since we decided to let Mitch have a go in the ring, but a new baby in his family has delayed his first attempt. While his parents are away in the USA for holidays, the mice have come out to play .... with temporary carer Nik Boyd aptly handling him for his show debut!
Congratulations to Mitch, parents Mary Frances and Mark, and handler Nik, who will continue to handle Mitch in the Syndey show ring for a little while until Mary Frances gains enough confidence to take over the lead! An event which I'm sure won't be too far away.
31 December 2009
Puppies expected from Kulta

Some exciting news for New Year's Eve with the confirmation that Kulta's latest "girlfriend" Del, Ch Miavig Nites on Broadway, owned by Nat Griffin of Batae Kennels in South Australia, is expecting babies early in February.
I feel just as excited as waiting for my own litters for this next lot of "grand-pups", and I think my Dad is ready to break open a cigar with "his boy" when the babies are here :-) We wish Nat and her beautiful girl every luck with this litter and hope for healthy and lovely babies.
For more information about this litter, please contact Nat directly by clicking HERE.
I feel just as excited as waiting for my own litters for this next lot of "grand-pups", and I think my Dad is ready to break open a cigar with "his boy" when the babies are here :-) We wish Nat and her beautiful girl every luck with this litter and hope for healthy and lovely babies.
For more information about this litter, please contact Nat directly by clicking HERE.
19 December 2009
Goodbye to Jari and Mischa

Over the week we had the last of the farewells to the Bloodstone kids.
Wednesday night was a big goodbye, with not only little Jari (Cloud) leaving, but also his mum Lahti, picked up by her owners. Jari is off to live with Tania's parents Bev and Charlie, who I believe are already very much in love with their new little man (and who could resist him really!). He will spend lots of visiting time with the Fields and his mum, and I believe is a big drawcard for grandchildren sleep overs at the moment.
So that left things very quiet indeed, with just the one little pup to keep us occupied for a few days. Over the weekend Shareen and Glen arrived to pick up my beautiful girl Mischa (Twinkle). She is kept in joint ownership, and will be shown in the ACT area alongside Thunder. We hope that there will be a littler from Mischa for Armahani one day in the future. In the meantime, it is obvious she is going to be one very adored little girl, with her daddy hooked around her little paw already!
Wednesday night was a big goodbye, with not only little Jari (Cloud) leaving, but also his mum Lahti, picked up by her owners. Jari is off to live with Tania's parents Bev and Charlie, who I believe are already very much in love with their new little man (and who could resist him really!). He will spend lots of visiting time with the Fields and his mum, and I believe is a big drawcard for grandchildren sleep overs at the moment.
So that left things very quiet indeed, with just the one little pup to keep us occupied for a few days. Over the weekend Shareen and Glen arrived to pick up my beautiful girl Mischa (Twinkle). She is kept in joint ownership, and will be shown in the ACT area alongside Thunder. We hope that there will be a littler from Mischa for Armahani one day in the future. In the meantime, it is obvious she is going to be one very adored little girl, with her daddy hooked around her little paw already!
13 December 2009
Goodbye to Ahti and Blaez

The time arrived this weekend to start saying goodbye to the kids from the Bloodstone litter, as they make thier way home with their new families.
Our first farewell was to Ahti (Frost) who is staying in Victoria in the home of James and Melissa, where he will be a much loved companion to their Samoyed Zoe, and to Logan the LabxHeeler. He left in their arms on Friday night, leaving things a little bit quiet in the puppy room. We hope to see him at Lappie picnics and get togethers.
On Sunday we said goodbye to Blaez, who was picked up by Janet for his drive home to the ACT. There he joins his new friend Lakota the GSD. Janet will be showing Blaez in the Canberra area, and he stays in joint ownership with us here at Armahani. We hope we get to see him on occasion, and wish Janet every best wish for a fun and successful show career for him.
Our first farewell was to Ahti (Frost) who is staying in Victoria in the home of James and Melissa, where he will be a much loved companion to their Samoyed Zoe, and to Logan the LabxHeeler. He left in their arms on Friday night, leaving things a little bit quiet in the puppy room. We hope to see him at Lappie picnics and get togethers.
On Sunday we said goodbye to Blaez, who was picked up by Janet for his drive home to the ACT. There he joins his new friend Lakota the GSD. Janet will be showing Blaez in the Canberra area, and he stays in joint ownership with us here at Armahani. We hope we get to see him on occasion, and wish Janet every best wish for a fun and successful show career for him.
1 December 2009
Christmas babies born to Emmi and Louis

More puppies born today!!! I'm very happy to announce the birth of 7 bouncing babies, born today to our beautiful imports Emmi (Ch Lumiturpa Emmi (Imp Fnl)) and Louis (Ch C'est Louis Armstrong des Chevaloupsgreg (Imp USA)).
This is definitely a "females rule" litter with six of the babies beautiful little girls, and just the one bouncing baby boy. And if Lahti and Alaska's litter wasn't surprise enough, yet again we had the surprise cream baby - just the one little girl this time around.
Mum and her babies are healthy and doing really well. Their page can be found on the Current Treasure page. Given Emmi has blessed us with another Christmas litter, it seems fitting that they again have Christmas themes names. So while here they will be known as (in birth order) Mistletoe, Star, Noelle, St Nick, Snowflake, Holly and Angel.
This is definitely a "females rule" litter with six of the babies beautiful little girls, and just the one bouncing baby boy. And if Lahti and Alaska's litter wasn't surprise enough, yet again we had the surprise cream baby - just the one little girl this time around.
Mum and her babies are healthy and doing really well. Their page can be found on the Current Treasure page. Given Emmi has blessed us with another Christmas litter, it seems fitting that they again have Christmas themes names. So while here they will be known as (in birth order) Mistletoe, Star, Noelle, St Nick, Snowflake, Holly and Angel.
7 November 2009
Christmas babies expected at Armahani

Another busy Christmas is in store for us here at Armahani, with Christmas babies again due from our beautiful girl Emmi (Ch Lumiturpa Emmi (Imp Fnl), this time to our French-born Louis (Ch Louis Armstrong des Chevaloupsgreg (Imp USA). With the Bloodstone litter still here, there will be about a week and a half cross-over with Emmi's babies due early in December. So it will be quite the household!
This is Emmi's second litter, and Louis' first. We are expecting black and tan pups from this litter (yes, I know I said that last time, but this time I am REALLY only expecting black and tan pups). If their parent's are anything to go by they should be some very beautiful looking pups.
There has been much demand for this litter, and at this stage I am not expecting there to be any more available than those already spoken for.
More information about this litter can be seen on the Future Treasure page.
In the meantime, the Bloodstone Litter are growing strong, at three weeks of age, and can be see on the Current Treasure page.
This is Emmi's second litter, and Louis' first. We are expecting black and tan pups from this litter (yes, I know I said that last time, but this time I am REALLY only expecting black and tan pups). If their parent's are anything to go by they should be some very beautiful looking pups.
There has been much demand for this litter, and at this stage I am not expecting there to be any more available than those already spoken for.
More information about this litter can be seen on the Future Treasure page.
In the meantime, the Bloodstone Litter are growing strong, at three weeks of age, and can be see on the Current Treasure page.
15 October 2009
Alaska and Lahti's babies are born

Puppies born today!!! I'm very happy to announce the birth of 4 bouncing babies, born late this evening, to our beautiful home bred Lahti (Ch Armahani Amethyst Apina) to our very handsome import Alaska (Ch Teelikamentten Iikka (Imp Fnl)).
We had more than a little bit of a shock when boy number one popped out ... not the black and tan I was expecting ... but a cream puppy! Pup number two was also a cream, this time a girl. With the third born, a very handsome glossy black and tan boy I thought we were reverting back to normal, but no, the forth pup was another cream boy. So our black and tan puppy sure looks the odd one out in the litter! I think it may take me a few days to get over the surprise.
Mum and her babies are healthy and doing really well. Their page can be found on the Current Treasure page which will be updated regularly with photos as they grow. They will be known as Frost, Twinkle, Thunder and Cloud, the translation of their Sami registered names, for the few weeks they are here, until they are given their permanent names by their lucky new owners.
Currently all of these babies are spoken for.
We had more than a little bit of a shock when boy number one popped out ... not the black and tan I was expecting ... but a cream puppy! Pup number two was also a cream, this time a girl. With the third born, a very handsome glossy black and tan boy I thought we were reverting back to normal, but no, the forth pup was another cream boy. So our black and tan puppy sure looks the odd one out in the litter! I think it may take me a few days to get over the surprise.
Mum and her babies are healthy and doing really well. Their page can be found on the Current Treasure page which will be updated regularly with photos as they grow. They will be known as Frost, Twinkle, Thunder and Cloud, the translation of their Sami registered names, for the few weeks they are here, until they are given their permanent names by their lucky new owners.
Currently all of these babies are spoken for.
24 September 2009
Puppies expected at Armahani in October

Some excitment for us and some of our friends today, with the confirmation that our beautiful Lahti (Ch Armahani Amethyst Apina), from our first litter with Emmi and Kulta, is expecting puppies. Lahti has been mated to our stunning co-owned boy Alaska (Ch Teelikamentten Iikka (Imp Fnl) - looking a bit silly and bessotted by his beautiful girlfriend in the photo opposite!
It has been almost two years since there were puppies at Armahani, so I am very excited about the arrival of these precious little bundles. Lahti will be due to give birth in the middle of October.
More information about this litter can be seen on the Future Treasure page.
It has been almost two years since there were puppies at Armahani, so I am very excited about the arrival of these precious little bundles. Lahti will be due to give birth in the middle of October.
More information about this litter can be seen on the Future Treasure page.
19 September 2009
Show time at the Royal Melbourne Show

It was just a wonderful day at the Royal Melbourne Show this year for the Lappies. We had our biggest entry yet, with 24 entered, with only three of those unable to make it on the day. Amongst those were a couple of new exhibitors, and some interstate visitors. And to make things even more exciting, a number of FLCV club members and their friends came along to cheer for our fantastic breed, really adding to the sense of occasion.
Armahani was once again very proudly represented. Kulta (Ch Theldaroy Best Treasure CCD HT), Alaska (Ch Teelikamentten Iikka (Imp Fnl)), Emmi (Ch Lumiturpa Emmi (Imp Fnl) and Lahti (Ch Armahani Amethyst Apina) all won first place in their classes, with Louis (C'est Louis Armstrong des Chevaloupsgreg (Imp USA) coming an impressive second behind the eventual Best of Breed winner.
Alaska went on to be awarded Reserve Dog Challenge, and Emmi won both Bitch Challenge and Runner up Best of Breed ..... for the forth year in a row!!!
A very big congratulations to the very handsome Best of Breed winner Magnus and his owner/handler Chrissy Fitzgerald, who also took out Best Puppy of Breed with her lovely girl Aurora-Rose.
Results and class placings can be found below:
1ST PLACE Ms C Fitzgerald & Mr L & Mrs R Seare GRAND CH THELDAROY GREEN WITH NV (AI) (Magnus)
1ST PLACE Ms V Brotto, Ms J Lincoln & Ms P Francis CH TEELIKAMENTTEN IIKKA (IMP FNL) (Alaska)
1ST PLACE Ms C Fitzgerald & Ms V Brotto ARTICMAL DYNAMIC FORTUNE (Aurora-Rose)
1ST PLACE Mrs V Brotto & Ms J Lincoln CH ARTICMAL TARKYA KASTANJA (Scribble)
Armahani was once again very proudly represented. Kulta (Ch Theldaroy Best Treasure CCD HT), Alaska (Ch Teelikamentten Iikka (Imp Fnl)), Emmi (Ch Lumiturpa Emmi (Imp Fnl) and Lahti (Ch Armahani Amethyst Apina) all won first place in their classes, with Louis (C'est Louis Armstrong des Chevaloupsgreg (Imp USA) coming an impressive second behind the eventual Best of Breed winner.
Alaska went on to be awarded Reserve Dog Challenge, and Emmi won both Bitch Challenge and Runner up Best of Breed ..... for the forth year in a row!!!
A very big congratulations to the very handsome Best of Breed winner Magnus and his owner/handler Chrissy Fitzgerald, who also took out Best Puppy of Breed with her lovely girl Aurora-Rose.
Results and class placings can be found below:
1ST PLACE Ms C Fitzgerald & Mr L & Mrs R Seare GRAND CH THELDAROY GREEN WITH NV (AI) (Magnus)
1ST PLACE Ms V Brotto, Ms J Lincoln & Ms P Francis CH TEELIKAMENTTEN IIKKA (IMP FNL) (Alaska)
1ST PLACE Ms C Fitzgerald & Ms V Brotto ARTICMAL DYNAMIC FORTUNE (Aurora-Rose)
1ST PLACE Mrs V Brotto & Ms J Lincoln CH ARTICMAL TARKYA KASTANJA (Scribble)
19 July 2009
Lahti is Armahani's first home bred Australian Champion

A special achievement was reached for Armahani today, with the titling of our first home-bred Australian Champion. This special achievement was with the beautiful Lahti (Armahani Amethyst Apina) earning her final points today.
This beautiful girl is out of our first litter with Kulta and Emmi. Very much like her mum, particularly in attitude (!), with a good dose of her sire for measure, it has given me great pleasure to have her out and about in the show ring over recent months. Only shown sparingly, she has certainly done me proud. Her show highlights would have to be winning reserve bitch challenge at the Melbourne Royal last year, plucked out of the puppy class to be Emmi's second, and winning best of breed at the Victorian Spitz Breeds Champ Show just a couple of months ago, defeating some seriously competitive males to do so.
Lahti lives with the Field family, where she is absolutely adored. Enormous thanks to them for letting me steal her away on a variety of show weekends, and for raising such a confident young girl. Lahti has serious attitude, and is certainly the cheekiest (aka naughtiest :-)) dog I have attempted to handle in the show ring! I am looking forward to seeing how she approaches motherhood later this year.
This beautiful girl is out of our first litter with Kulta and Emmi. Very much like her mum, particularly in attitude (!), with a good dose of her sire for measure, it has given me great pleasure to have her out and about in the show ring over recent months. Only shown sparingly, she has certainly done me proud. Her show highlights would have to be winning reserve bitch challenge at the Melbourne Royal last year, plucked out of the puppy class to be Emmi's second, and winning best of breed at the Victorian Spitz Breeds Champ Show just a couple of months ago, defeating some seriously competitive males to do so.
Lahti lives with the Field family, where she is absolutely adored. Enormous thanks to them for letting me steal her away on a variety of show weekends, and for raising such a confident young girl. Lahti has serious attitude, and is certainly the cheekiest (aka naughtiest :-)) dog I have attempted to handle in the show ring! I am looking forward to seeing how she approaches motherhood later this year.
21 June 2009
Louis is awarded an Intermediate in Group

Time to shine for Louis (Ch C'est Louis Armstrong des Chevaloupsgreg (Imp USA)) this time. Despite a big day at the picnic yesterday, and some very tired eyes, my little man continued to strut his stuff in the show ring.
At the Sunshine Kennel Club Championship Show today, held at KCC Park, he went Best of Breed, with a Lapphund entry of nine, and then was awarded Best Intermediate in Group, under Victorian judge Mr J Sullivan.
Unfortunately we didn't get to show off in the general specials ring, after the Runner Up in Show was awaded from the Intermediate class, knocking the other competitors out from class in show judging. Still, it was another lovely win for my very special boy, and a bit thanks to all the group 5 competitors who offered congratulations and admiration for Louis.
At the Sunshine Kennel Club Championship Show today, held at KCC Park, he went Best of Breed, with a Lapphund entry of nine, and then was awarded Best Intermediate in Group, under Victorian judge Mr J Sullivan.
Unfortunately we didn't get to show off in the general specials ring, after the Runner Up in Show was awaded from the Intermediate class, knocking the other competitors out from class in show judging. Still, it was another lovely win for my very special boy, and a bit thanks to all the group 5 competitors who offered congratulations and admiration for Louis.
20 June 2009
Finnish Lapphund Club of Victoria Walk and Picnic

The Finnish Lapphund Club of Victoria held their inargual Lappie Picnic and Walk today in Maribyrnong. It was a lovely day, with over twenty Lapphunds and their families joining us, despite the colder weather. We also had a couple of Keeshonden, a Kind Charles Cavelier Spaniel, and a Bernese Mountain Dog join us in the fun.
It was lovely to see a of those who have grown up into beautiful dogs since I saw them last, including Atticus from the Tarkya Litter, and Katrikki from the Amethyst Litter. Kulta, Emmi, Louis and Schatje joined me for the day, and had a great time catching up with friends.
I'll post up more photos soon, and there will be a few photos and a bit of information on the day posted up to the FLCV web site very soon, with more detail for members in the Club Newsletter to be updated in July.
For more information about coming FLCV events here in July, please see the Club web site HERE.
It was lovely to see a of those who have grown up into beautiful dogs since I saw them last, including Atticus from the Tarkya Litter, and Katrikki from the Amethyst Litter. Kulta, Emmi, Louis and Schatje joined me for the day, and had a great time catching up with friends.
I'll post up more photos soon, and there will be a few photos and a bit of information on the day posted up to the FLCV web site very soon, with more detail for members in the Club Newsletter to be updated in July.
For more information about coming FLCV events here in July, please see the Club web site HERE.
31 May 2009
Alaska earns an Open in Group

Yet another win for our boy Alaska (Ch Teelikamentten Iikka (Imp Fnl)) this weekend. We took a bit of a trip with a number of our Lappies to Mildura, in Victoria's North-West, for a weekend of showing. My "home" ground, Mildura was where I first started showing Lapphunds a number of years ago, before moving back to Melbourne. So it is always lovely to visit, see old faces, and enjoy the slightly warmer weather.
Alaska was shortlisted for Group in both of the shows attended this weekend, and then awarded Best Open in Group by judge Mr T Syme (Vic) at the Red Cliffs Ladies Kennel and Obedience Club Championship Show.
We are very proud of our beautiful boy!
Alaska was shortlisted for Group in both of the shows attended this weekend, and then awarded Best Open in Group by judge Mr T Syme (Vic) at the Red Cliffs Ladies Kennel and Obedience Club Championship Show.
We are very proud of our beautiful boy!
13 April 2009
Alaska earns an Intermediate in Group

Back onto the winners podium for our handsome boy Alaska (Ch Teelikamentten Iikka (Imp Fnl)) today, at the Town & Country Kennel Club Championship Show under Victorian judge Mr J Doyle.
Alaska, handled by his co-owner Vanessa Brotto of Articmal Kennels, was awarded another Best Intermediate in Group, after having been shortlisted earlier for Best in Group. Alaska has only seen a couple of shows this year so far, waiting out the hotter summer months, so we are excited to see him back in form, and hopefully ready to surpass his success of 2008.
Recently having had his first litter at Articmal, he has three baby puppies out in the show ring at the moment, and we are looking forward to watching these youngsters follow in their sire's footsteps.
Alaska, handled by his co-owner Vanessa Brotto of Articmal Kennels, was awarded another Best Intermediate in Group, after having been shortlisted earlier for Best in Group. Alaska has only seen a couple of shows this year so far, waiting out the hotter summer months, so we are excited to see him back in form, and hopefully ready to surpass his success of 2008.
Recently having had his first litter at Articmal, he has three baby puppies out in the show ring at the moment, and we are looking forward to watching these youngsters follow in their sire's footsteps.
9 March 2009
Louis earns a Runner up in Group and two Intermediate in Groups this weekend

A great weekend for the fabulous Louis (Ch C'est Louis Armstrong des Chevaloupsgreg (Imp USA))!!
It was an amazing day yesterday, when at the Noorat & District Kennel Club Championship Show, my little man strutted his stuff, and made a little bit of breed history by being only the second Lappie to be awarded Runner Up Best in Group in at a Victorian championship show. There were a few tears to be sure and a big thanks are extended to Mrs D Saltau of Victoria for recognising my wonderful boy. Louis also earned the Best Intermediate in Group, which enabled me the pleasure of showing off our beautiful breed in the General Specials ring, enough of a rare event for me to receive a few "what breed is that?" enquiries :-).
It almost become two days in a row, today at the Camperdown & District Kennel Club Championship Show, where Louis was one of a shortlist of two for the Runner Up in Group again. Although he didn't quite make it this time, he was again awarded Best Intermediate in Group, making me amazingly proud. Thanks this time to judge Ms C Davis of NSW.
I arrived home to the exciting news that the sister of Louis' sire, Oberitz Onnetar, was awarded BOB at Crufts .... huge congratulations to her breeder and owner Niki Allison, who was instrumental in enabling my beautiful boy to come to Australia.
It was an amazing day yesterday, when at the Noorat & District Kennel Club Championship Show, my little man strutted his stuff, and made a little bit of breed history by being only the second Lappie to be awarded Runner Up Best in Group in at a Victorian championship show. There were a few tears to be sure and a big thanks are extended to Mrs D Saltau of Victoria for recognising my wonderful boy. Louis also earned the Best Intermediate in Group, which enabled me the pleasure of showing off our beautiful breed in the General Specials ring, enough of a rare event for me to receive a few "what breed is that?" enquiries :-).
It almost become two days in a row, today at the Camperdown & District Kennel Club Championship Show, where Louis was one of a shortlist of two for the Runner Up in Group again. Although he didn't quite make it this time, he was again awarded Best Intermediate in Group, making me amazingly proud. Thanks this time to judge Ms C Davis of NSW.
I arrived home to the exciting news that the sister of Louis' sire, Oberitz Onnetar, was awarded BOB at Crufts .... huge congratulations to her breeder and owner Niki Allison, who was instrumental in enabling my beautiful boy to come to Australia.
26 January 2009
Louis becomes an Australian Champion

Some big news here today with Louis (C'est Louis Armstrong des Chevaloupsgreg (Imp USA)) today earning his final points to become an Australian Champion.
I am very proud of this special little boy, of such lovely breed type, who is really starting to mature now (in body, if not in brains :-)!). Despite being at the smaller end of the scale for a male Lapphund in Victoria, his wins have been fairly consistent to date, even if he has to sit in Alaska's shadow as his second on many occasions. He has won a number of admirers during his time so far in the ring, and I'm sure will gain a number more of the coming years.
Louis is my crazy man who excels at all he does, largely because he puts 100% effort into everything. There are just no half measures as far as Louis is concerned. We are starting to dabble in a few more disciplines, and I'm sure that his conformation title will only be the first of many titles for this super bright Lappie.
Big thanks, yet again to his breeder Véro Valy in France, and also Kit Brillinger in the USA who raised Louis until he was old enough to come to Australia.
I am very proud of this special little boy, of such lovely breed type, who is really starting to mature now (in body, if not in brains :-)!). Despite being at the smaller end of the scale for a male Lapphund in Victoria, his wins have been fairly consistent to date, even if he has to sit in Alaska's shadow as his second on many occasions. He has won a number of admirers during his time so far in the ring, and I'm sure will gain a number more of the coming years.
Louis is my crazy man who excels at all he does, largely because he puts 100% effort into everything. There are just no half measures as far as Louis is concerned. We are starting to dabble in a few more disciplines, and I'm sure that his conformation title will only be the first of many titles for this super bright Lappie.
Big thanks, yet again to his breeder Véro Valy in France, and also Kit Brillinger in the USA who raised Louis until he was old enough to come to Australia.
1 January 2009
Happy New Year from all at Armahani

A Happy New Year to all of our friends and visitors from all of us here at Armahani (even Kulta, despite not being happy about being dressed up for the occasion!).
2009 promises to yet again be a busy one for us here, which should see us around the show ring, and hopefully the obedience, agility and herding rings as well. There is also every chance that we may be moving into new premises down the track (more on that later).
Hopefully, a little later in the year, we will also be ready to announce our next puppy plans ... stay tuned for those.
In the meantime, we wish you every success in all that the new year brings you. Please keep visiting!
2009 promises to yet again be a busy one for us here, which should see us around the show ring, and hopefully the obedience, agility and herding rings as well. There is also every chance that we may be moving into new premises down the track (more on that later).
Hopefully, a little later in the year, we will also be ready to announce our next puppy plans ... stay tuned for those.
In the meantime, we wish you every success in all that the new year brings you. Please keep visiting!